November 10, 17:05
Ruins of the Residential Area at South Hexabridge Port
It has been nine hours since the Hetero-Creatures completely retreated from Kowloong.
Among the 643729 registered Kowloong residents under the Nighter's jurisdiction, 2451 died as Kowloong Crew in battles before the evacuation to the underground city of Tabula Akasha.
248 people sacrificed themselves in the operation to reboot the Light Wall.
14 people died in the Overload Cold Fusion Reactor operation.
23227 people perished or went missing before relocating to the underground city of Tabula Akasha.
With support from Babylonia and permission from Lady Qu, the residents of Kowloong were able to move to the underground city of Tabula Akasha.
After relocating, the Kowloong Crew suffered 1265 casualties and 26 people went missing in the underground city.
Of the more than 610000 people who relocated to the underground city, 17986 tragically died or went missing.
By the time the situation stabilized and the Hetero-Creatures and the Corrupted had retreated, Kowloong still had 598512 survivors.
Overall, Kowloong suffered 45217 casualties in this battle.
About 75% of buildings were damaged in the North and South districts of the Hexabridge Port, but the timely evacuations to the North Port District and the underground city meant only about 10% of key civilian and industrial facilities were damaged, so normal life and production resumed quickly.
The Nighter, docked in the inner port fjord, sustained minimal damage from the Punishing Virus.
Additionally, over the past few hours, Kowloong has received increasing support from the ACA and even the Forsaken, enabling the quick repair of the CPF.
Almost no traces of the Punishing Virus remain in the city. Apart from a few devastated areas and some remaining mechanoids, the virus levels are extremely low.
Whether it's illusion or reality, life or death, no cost is too great, no war can shatter Kowloong's will to survive. Lady Qu said so, and I firmly believe it too.
Someone is helping us!
Dad, hurry! Over there!
A crisp child's voice interrupts his writing, compelling him to close the thick, heavy journal and step out of the room, now reduced to ruins.
Hey, watch your step!
Hu calls out as he follows his child back to the nearly burned-down courtyard. No matter what, this is still their home.
After the war, Yu had to spend all day at the medical center, caring for the wounded.
Mr. Gao, who had been treated in the ancient city of Tabula Akasha, died in front of the factory equipment storage, not surviving long enough for the Kowloong Crew to arrive. However, the equipment was left unscathed.
Su never appeared again, and Hu never saw her thereafter. In the official records of the Kowloong Crew, Su was listed as missing.
Wenche, the elderly member from Bixi, fell while transporting supplies in the ancient city of Tabula Akasha and is currently being treated at the medical center. It's said that he mutters the name "Wenlan" daily while in his coma, but no one knows who that is.
Master Si from the factory, who had volunteered to fight, was injured in the conflict. Fortunately, all his adopted children survived. He declined any subsidies from the Kowloong Crew and chose instead to silently work on various pieces of equipment in the factory, channeling his grief over his son into his work.
Mr. and Mrs. He, as warm-hearted as ever, teamed up with Shopkeeper Xu from the grain store to deliver food door-to-door. The porridge stall they set up is so busy that the pots nearly burn through.
As for Ma...
...You know, you really take after your dad, and you're a lot like your mom too.
Duheng sits atop a pile of rubble, casually picking up a tile and tossing it aside.
Her hands are still stained with blood and dust that couldn't be washed off.
From what I remember, they were always busy with their duties and didn't have much time to spend with you, so you were left in your grandfather's care. But they truly loved you deeply.
Your grandfather was the same.
He... never told me stories about Dad and Mom.
He only told me that Dad was a qualified soldier, and Mom was an excellent worker.
That's enough, Zhishi.
Zhishi clutches the piece of paper that miraculously survived the Light Wall, tears falling onto it.
Because he himself was also a qualified soldier.
And so are you.
Duheng's voice trembles slightly.
The only difference is, I think...
In the last moment, he was... a qualified father, and grandfather.
...My dearest granddaughter, by the time you read this letter, I may no longer be part of this world.
I implore you to cherish your life, for you are young and overflowing with energy.
You can't waste such youth on the battlefield. If someone has to die, it should be us, the aged and weary.
I fought hard when I was young, battle after battle, hoping to forge a better future for you.
Regrettably, I must admit that I fell short of this dream.
So I tried my best to let you live happily in this terrible era.
The vitality of youth was something I once took pride in—back when I could shatter four bricks with a single punch! I see that same spark in you.
Survive, my child. It's not just a hope; it's something I know deep in my heart you're capable of.
I am but a simple man, and my greatest wish is to see you live a full life.
Oh, the Light Wall is starting to shine. It's going to get hot.
Farewell, my dear child...
Two people, separated by an era, the only kin they each had left.
They embrace and weep among the ruins of Kowloong.
November 12, 14:35
Hall of the World Government Parliament
In the heart of the World Government Parliament Hall, she gently traces the edges of the solid wood podium, where every speaker rested their hands.
The worn and weathered surface of this modest lectern bore witness to years of defiance, hatred, hesitation, strife, cunning, and grand declarations made by those who had stood before it.
It chronicled humanity's journey toward prosperity and unity, an ascent to the stars.
And how humanity fell into ruin and division, sinking into the mire of war and disaster brought by the Punishing Virus.
Until she places her hands upon it again, civilization, as it lies before her, still remains in its infancy.
She has seen it all too many times—
...Decades ago, I stood here and cast the first vote for "Project Eden".
Eden-II, now known as Babylonia, the aerial garden where you all live and depend on every day.
As Qu speaks, she places a screw on the podium.
If it were any other council member, such an act would have sparked waves of discussion and ridicule.
But under her imposing presence, no one dares utter a word.
This is the IK9000 model screw, the most commonly used in the construction of Eden-II.
Only the factories in Kowloong can produce such high-strength components.
On the lunar base, when the first screw was turned in the construction of this migration ship, you called that era the Golden Age.
In that era, people were willing to sacrifice everything for a shared, lofty vision—even themselves.
While listening to the speech, Hassen feels Qu's gaze briefly pass over him, seemingly by accident.
Back then, those in power were focused solely on the future of human civilization, not on individual gains.
Back then, humanity had the courage to risk everything, to give up everything, all for the sake of a grand ideal.
In that era, our vision and courage embraced the history, the present struggles, and the future glories of human civilization.
However, today, the illusion of peace and unity has sapped Babylonia of its momentum.
Most of you no longer wield your power to preserve the continuity of civilization. We once envisioned a future with civilization as the cornerstone, but now many are primarily chasing personal gains.
This is the fundamental difference between you and me.
This place has strayed far from what Trillard and his successors envisioned as a unifying bond for humanity.
But Kowloong will continue to cooperate with Babylonia. Whether in the Clean Zone, Kowloong, and beyond, we will integrate Kowloong's vast territories with the Clean Zone as per our agreement.
I acknowledged the World Government from this podium before, and I continue to do so today.
However, Kowloong, my people, and I will not relinquish any rights we deserve.
I will not retract my words, just as I did not before Trillard.
And let it be known: if Babylonia or the World Government dares threaten my people or the security of Tabula Akasha, I will destroy the Babylonia, whatever the cost.
Her chilling declaration reverberates through the silent Parliament Hall.
No one dares challenge her; they know she means every word and has the power to fulfill it.
My people have shown the world that with unwavering determination and courage, even at great personal sacrifice, we can overcome the formidable challenges posed by the Punishing Virus. Our resolve and bravery have transcended time and space, bridging the gap between life and death.
This is the foundation that enables Kowloong to tenaciously survive on our land. Kowloong exists for civilization, not the other way around. My people have demonstrated their will to live, and I will answer their call.
Only with such profound determination and courage can we infuse history with the essence of civilization, rather than merely clinging to the remnants of its end.
Among you, some still possess such courage and resolve, who can perceive reality beyond ideals and beliefs.
Qu casts her gaze in your direction, acknowledging your presence at the assembly even though you are not a council member.
In the past, Kowloong united the world and civilization like this screw.
I am committed to collaborating with such individuals, and so is Kowloong.
And as I understand it, some here are ready to speak up now.
Qu nods toward you, and Asimov, who is sitting beside you, exchanges a glance and stands up with you.
After Miss Qu verified its content, we have submitted this document to the Parliament.
"Report on Multiple Illegal Scientific Research and Personnel Violations by the Science Council, Kurono, and the World Government".
Asimov rattles off this lengthy list of names in a single breath.
As Asimov emphatically announces the report's title, several uneasy council members immediately stand up.
Including Kurono, the World Government, and most of the secret research of the Science Council.
This is a colossal lie dating back to the Golden Age, involving numerous individuals.
As the Chief Technician of the Science Council and a member of the World Government Parliament...
We are committed to unveiling this deception to both the World Government and the entire world!
Umm, Lady Qu...
Do you think that was too harsh just now...?
Pulao asks timidly, standing under the ship's corridor.
The World Government Parliament has been rotting from the inside since Trillard's leadership ended.
They need someone to wake them up; just Trillard's successor is not enough.
I have the authority to speak out and take action, as does the Gray Raven Commandant.
Some contributions are made in the light, while others... I'll handle in the shadows.
I see...
Still getting used to having a superior again, Pulao can only shift her gaze to the ground.
No need to be so formal.
Without the people of Kowloong, I wouldn't be standing here.
If it weren't for you... I wouldn't have survived the Tabula Akasha.
Lady Qu... why did you say that?
I don't know.
You carry the emotions of many people, Pulao.
You can understand things that I still struggle to grasp. Maybe that's why.
No, Lady Qu.
It takes great courage to stand up to the Monarch of Kowloong, no matter the circumstances.
I believe you can feel it too.
Pulao responds, her tone gentle yet firm.
Qu gazes at the small storage device hanging on Pulao. Even now, with the Tabula Akasha and Huaxu no longer functioning, she can still vaguely make out the two figures that used to accompany her.
Perhaps others could see them before, but from now on, they can only be seen by Qu.
We will be here with you.
We will also be here with Kowloong.
Her gaze returns to the devastated Kowloong City.
The Hetero-Creatures retreated, yet the city lies in ruins.
Looking beyond, she sees stubborn plumes of smoke rising from the debris, climbing slowly into the sky.
I owe this city and my people too much.
But surely, this city will return to its former glory, once again becoming the center of the world and a beacon of civilization.
I will make it happen.
Kowloong will make it happen.
November 12, 19:37
Control Court Office
After Asimov and the Gray Raven Commandant released the over two-thousand-page report along with supplementary notes from Asimov and Qu, it immediately set Babylonia ablaze, severely undermining the credibility of the World Government Parliament.
And the Control Court, which had once pushed for inspections of the Science Council, immediately sprang into action.
They don't need to worry about the language used at the press conference for the World Government; that is the job of the Diplomatic Court and the Executive Court.
There are so many... really...
The history since the Science Council was established is thoroughly documented here. We just need to find what we're looking for.
I'll leave it to you.
So, what exactly are we looking for?
About the Gestalt.
Lesti, get me the section of the report on Kowloong.
The report by someone named Qu? Uh... sorry?
Lesti grabs the file from another Construct nearby and pushes it in front of Ishmael.
...According to the Science Council's judgment, this Construct can no longer be classified as a Transcendant.
Is there really a technology that can remove the Punishing Virus from a Transcendant?
Perhaps there is.
What do you think the Punishing Virus is?
Hmm... Why such a fundamental question all of a sudden?
I don't know.
What do you think the things that fill our bodies are?
Vital fluid? Tantalum copolymers? And circuit components...
Then it's various chemical elements, molecules, and atoms, down to basic particles.
More abstract.
More abstract? Let me think...
Could it be information?
I was just saying it casually.
After all, from human DNA to atomic structures, even human consciousness, it's all a form of information.
It's just different expressions of information that determine the differences we see now.
That is indeed quite abstract...
Energy is conserved, and so is information.
When the Punishing Virus leaves, other energy and information need to fill the void left by the virus.
And as long as there's enough information, it's not impossible to "squeeze" the Punishing Virus out of space-time.
The real question is whether there's a scenario that could provide enough information to actually "squeeze" out the Punishing Virus.
You mean...
Again, I was just saying it casually, Lesti, give me the report on the Great Evacuation.
Ishmael's face still wears a calm smile.
It seems you really fit the stereotype of the Science Council's first division...
The Great Evacuation... Hmm.
If we trace back to...
Ishmael's eyes show a hint of hesitation, even seriousness.
What's wrong?
There are still some things that are unclear.
Eh? I thought you knew everything?
Lesti blinks.
Records about Dominik are indeed scarce.
What hidden secrets does this "hero of humanity" still hold?
■■■■■, ■■■■■
In a secluded mountain forest, flickering with short circuits, a mechanoid slowly rises to its feet.
Deception is his forte.
He deceived his father, his god, his kin, and his leader.
Likewise, he can even deceive death.
Hmph... Shell partition...
Lost some code, but... no big deal.
Damn Huaxu, damn humans... They won't leave me alone even after death...
You're here.
A gray-haired girl steps on the pine needles on the ground, standing quietly in front of him.
The warm smile that once graced her face is gone, replaced by a stern seriousness.
Ah, our savior, our... Sage.
Schulz bows deeply, further damaging his already compromised left leg.
Are you here to tell me that my actions don't align with your teachings?
I've told you before, mechanoids should no longer harm humans, nor their own kind.
I am the apostle of your mechanical will, walking your mechanical path, spreading your mechanical gospel—
...Stop lying to me, Schulz.
I know everything.
Yes, you are the omnipotent lord, our Sage.
To think... you would even ally with those Hetero-Creatures.
You know too, don't you? Sage?
Human DNA, our souls, those Punishing Virus... The essence of everything in this universe is information, the difference lies in how that information is expressed.
No one can escape the lure of information, our souls crave it, the Punishing Virus craves it as well.
But the Punishing Virus does not hinder our true cause, does it?
I never expected... those who have died would use equivalent information to displace the Punishing Virus information residing in space-time, haha...
If it weren't for those dead, that fake king I killed wouldn't have... tsk... "revived."
Zavier has already told me everything.
Oh... I see.
From what I can tell, he would know quite a bit about me, but all his memories should have been wiped when he was dumped in that cold, filthy dump.
He learned it from that human named "Villier".
Villier... Ah... Villier.
What a good name, also a traitor to his own kind.
Hatred isn't our path.
Not only that, you betrayed our comrades.
Ah... Are you talking about that hypocrite in human skin?
Zavier has stripped all your logic locks from Hanying's body. She's safe in the church now.
What a pity.
But it's even more of a pity for you, Sage.
Haven't you seen it too?
Those... crimson waves, the deathly cold, the steel torrents.
Haven't you seen the future that should be ours, the world built by mechanoids?
Do you really want to stay at the cold, empty edge of the universe, forgotten forever?
This isn't a price for me.
Then, the future of our comrades, is that not a price to you?
Nanami no longer wants to listen to him. Schulz, who constantly changed bodies and devoured others, has long since shattered in mind and soul. This malfunctioning mechanoid, flickering erratically, seems to be in a strange state of delirium.
He hurt comrades, harmed humans, and collaborated with the Punishing Virus and Hetero-Creatures.
These are things Nanami could never tolerate.
You can't stay here any longer. I'll take you back to the church.
No matter what future I've seen or what direction humanity takes...
It won't be one filled with hatred, devoid of love and hope. I love this planet.
No matter what, I won't let it fall into corruption and darkness.
You saw it.
Yes, they will figure it out.
It took them over thirty years just to discover that the essence of the Punishing Virus is multidimensional information.
And expecting humans to manage "memetic" pollution will be even more unrealistic.
But as I mentioned, the solution to fully addressing the "contaminating memetics" lies in this city, within the "memetic" that documents and safeguards the information of human civilization.
You're referring to the Tabula Akasha.
Before the Tabula Akasha project started, you proposed a similar possibility to Kowloong.
I made extensive preparations, and that was just one aspect. Only Kowloong has the determination and persistence to see such a project through.
Now, the reference plan is in place.
But clearly, using the Tabula Akasha as a model will only be effective after it has finished recording the entire history of the planet and civilization. The "memetic" created from the dense information of the Tabula Akasha can then neutralize the pollution.
Recording this volume of information will take at least 272 Earth years, and given the current situation, this timeframe is likely to extend even further.
In this universe, everything must adhere to the law of conservation of energy.
There must be something that can transcend time and space, exceed the speed of light, defy gravity, and transmit information.
...You mean her.
It's far from practical. Distant water won't quench immediate thirst.
Only mechanoids that have evolved into complete souls, uniting their kind, can potentially counteract the "contaminating memetics".
This will take at least tens of thousands of years.
You're right, we don't have much time left.
Right now, my only advantage is that those who manipulate time and dimensions, "they" haven't noticed me yet.
But it's only a matter of time.
Don't you find the idea of rebelling against an unstoppable higher power somewhat romantic?
I don't see it that way.
Maybe that's why I'm human and you're a mechanoid.
So it will take tens of thousands of years, and we can't afford to waste any time.
There's a way forward.
You have a solution?
I have an idea, but it's too complex to explain here.
...Whether it's Kowloong or the Forsaken.
Someone will always rise to the challenge.
You're making pointless arguments.
To this day, I still hold two highest directives.
To lead human civilization into a new era and to remain loyal to humans.
Would you sacrifice yourself for these goals?
In every scenario where this unit ceases to exist, humanity invariably fails.
Rather, in every future where this unit exists, it underscores my critical role and assured victory.
Do you really have so little faith in human capabilities?
No, that's not it.
Then you don't trust us?
To some extent.
What kind of delusion makes you think...
That "we" only exist in the history of the past?
History... stories...
They define civilization.
Thank you, kind-hearted mechanoid.
We've all betrayed one another, driven by our desires. That's the lesson from the annals of civilization.
Our history, our stories, they will grow with each step we take.
A new chapter starts now.
Let the red winds, green rains, purple soil, and heavy skulls...
Begin anew.