Story Reader / Main Story / 28 Polaris Bond / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

28-14 Different Battlefields



November 10, 04:55

Logical destruction rate of all sectors in Tabula Akasha's data layer reaches 47% (delayed)

1200m under Kowloong, Physical Layer of Tabula Akasha

Now, it's not just the Punishing Virus and those of us who survived in this underground city, but many 'ghosts' have also appeared.

"Furthermore, the 'Villier' who saved the Nighter also suddenly reappeared in this 'ghost' form.

I don't really understand the technical details; after all, I'm just a historian.

"In the final conclusion, to thwart the Punishing Virus from acquiring Huaxu and to avert an unidentified network intrusion,

And that 'Villier' also claimed that Qu is still alive...

Never before in your recollection has there been such a tumultuous scene.

Following your graduation from F.O.S., while you may not have overseen large-scale battles encompassing hundreds of thousands of individuals, you do have experience in cooperative battles involving thousands.

This time, however...

From this high ground, you see Kowloong soldiers clad in white uniforms, Constructs from Babylonia, peculiar Hetero-Creatures, and vibrant entities of mind data all converging on the same battlefield.

It's akin to a pot of diverse spices and ingredients, cooked, crushed, and mixed together...

It will get even more chaotic.

Villier, only a shadow now, says in his usual arrogant tone.

Ultimately, the problem lies with Huaxu.

On the other side, it's Asimov whom you managed to contact with the aid of reinforcements and the Engineering Forces, who are still trying to dig in.

Hmm... Is there any memory address that I can take a look?

On the opposite end of the table is an unfamiliar signal that abruptly established a connection with you fifteen minutes ago. This mechanoid named Zavier also claimed to be a friend of Hanying's.

Upon discovering that Hanying had been harmed by another mechanoid, he immediately transmitted a blueprint programmed with Kowloong and general codes to the Fuxi Crew members present for treating the comatose Hanying.

Schulz... He betrayed his own kind?!

The Schulz he's referring to is the mechanoid who backstabbed Hanying and attempted a suicide attack.

However, since ten minutes ago, the conversation between these three has far surpassed your understanding.

Huaxu's memory address is classified.

Don't you see the situation right now?

I've mentioned it before, the Babylonia Parliament is now certain that Huaxu and Qu still exist.

They will never let Huaxu, which can rival Gestalt, fall into the hands of the Punishing Virus. Even if Gestalt objects to deploying the Longinus Arsenal, the Parliament holds the power to override Gestalt and authorize its use to physically obliterate Kowloong.

You have no right to decide for Huaxu.

I'm not sure if you really have the guts to authorize the use of the Longinus Arsenal and decimate Kowloong, but if you do so...

You won't be able to withstand the wrath of those who are still living in Kowloong.

Tsk... especially the wrath of that person.

Can you only think of one thing at a time?

It seems like you can't multitask in your thinking process. By the way, have you ever tried chatting with thousands of threads simultaneously?



President Hassen and I can only delay them as much as we can, but truth be told, the recent teams deployed have already brought down domain nodes under the Parliament's command.

Hmph, this is humanity... destroying others out of fear, still as ugly as ever.

I mean, is there a possibility...

That you talking about this now won't make things any better... Hey! Zero, why are you running off again?!


So what exactly are you trying to say, mechanoid?

The way Punishing Virus corrupts data is different from how external data is injected, so it requires a different approach to handle.


Over 80% of this place is made up of electronic components.

The core unit of Huaxu's data is also a logic circuit and so is the control room of Tabula Akasha.

Bingo! Essentially, you are inside a gigantic mechanical brain.

So the first thing you need to do is get rid of all the Punishing Virus inside this mechanical brain.

Which means...

Hetero-Creatures are like parasites invading the brain; they must be dealt with by force.

But what about the Punishing Virus that has corrupted the circuit components? We know how to handle the virus in Constructs' circuits, but what about the one in circuits and databases?

Tsk... Are you really from the Science Council?

Villier's provocation instantly riles up Asimov, who usually always remains composed. Of course, it could also be due to Asimov's lack of sleep for the past few days.

Are you?

I used to be.

In fact, when I worked in the Science Council, you probably weren't even born yet.



Did these two humans... have some kind of history?

Zavier abruptly initiates a private chat window with you, asking secretly.


Handling the Punishing Virus in circuits and data systems shouldn't be through external forces; it must rely on the machinery and data itself.

On a micro level, there are generally two ways to remove the Punishing Virus from pure mechanical devices and data systems.

The first is what you do with Constructs, using the Inver-Device and that M.I.N.D. thing to connect with compatible human minds.

How do you know all these details...

Ah, oh, well...

I just did my homework... Don't touch that cable! Up, a bit higher!

Anyway, the second method is... um... what mechanoids would do.

In other words, let mechanoids' "consciousnesses" and "cleaning programs" remove the Punishing Virus themselves.


Mechanoids' consciousnesses...

Machines can do all this themselves.

Of course, I know that.

Asimov stares vigilantly at Zavier's pixelated "face" across the table.

Naturally, Asimov is aware that there are mechanoids capable of resisting the Punishing Virus to a certain degree, and based on the file given by him earlier, this Zavier is likely one of them.

And the principle is?

You mentioned how Constructs resist the Punishing Virus, but what about the principle of mechanical circuits fighting off the virus?


It should be... something similar?

Clearly, this mechanoid named Zavier is hiding something.

...Are you sure about this?


Let's do it, then.


How could you blindly place your trust in a stranger mechanoid like that?!

Between humans and machines, I prefer to trust the latter.

Besides, I should know machines better than you, especially "this one."

Villier sneers.

If we want the "consciousnesses" within this mechanical head to remove the Punishing Virus, we still need Huaxu.

Hold on, if we simply reboot Huaxu, the Punishing Virus and the invasive signal will immediately seize control of the entire Tabula Akasha database once Huaxu's defenses are down.

No, restarting Huaxu is a process, not an instant action.

Due to the different time flow within the Tabula Akasha data space compared to your outside world, manually rebooting Huaxu from the inside will take me seventy-four hours, which translates to five minutes and seven seconds for you.

Uh... That's why I asked for the memory address.

We need to parse the code of the invader from Huaxu's memory address.


Asimov lets out a deep sigh.

I'll do it. Gestalt has also been suffering from invasive attacks recently. I can handle some network environment processing and parsing.



Wait a second.

Everything we just discussed is based on the assumption that Tabula Akasha is a mechanical brain.

But where do those "consciousnesses" and "cleaning programs" come from that will actually do the job?

Can't you see them?

Those things wandering between life and death outside.

The "souls" freed from their pathetic human shells.

Aren't they all "consciousnesses"?

But aren't those all human consciousnesses?!

Are you really the Chief Technician of the Science Council?

Do you still consider the dead to be human?

Although it is the truth...

Your way of thinking is too inhumane. It's making me feel sick.

You think I don't despise my former human identity?

But right now, I no longer belong to the human race.

I'm just one of "the dead."

So, are we all good now? Shall we get started?


The three scientists cast puzzled glances at you.

Five minutes and seven seconds.

She already left the place where I am.

She should be in the corrupted sectors of Tabula Akasha now. I can't reach her.

Seems you're not that stupid.

If you're asking about the probability of successfully rebooting Huaxu, it's one hundred percent.

That confident, huh?

My... "teacher"—let's just say that—created Gestalt, and I created Huaxu. It's that simple.

If successful, Huaxu will use the Gestalized consciousness cluster in Tabula Akasha to clear out the Punishing Virus.

The survival probability of your people is fifty percent, as it solely depends on whether Huaxu can be rebooted.

You don't trust me?

But do you have any other choice now?

[player name], Commander Nikola and President Hassen can't hold off the Parliament forever.

But the issue with Huaxu must be resolved... by any means necessary.

So you must retreat.

I don't know. Maybe even Qu herself doesn't know.

But Huaxu knows, and so does the consciousness cluster in Tabula Akasha. This is the only path they've hidden from me.

Just like... each of us has our own "mission to fulfill" and "things we must do."

I won't justify my actions.

...Nor will I seek forgiveness for them.

Do what you must—

Do what you must...

I said it already. She left the lower levels where Huaxu and I currently are and went to other corrupted sectors of Tabula Akasha.

In all the futures Huaxu and Gestalt have simulated, there are too many paths you have yet to see.

When all the hidden divergence points are waiting before you—

Every choice is a gamble anyway.

...Pack up the data of the firewall before it gets corrupted and send it to me. We'll do it in the sandbox...

Do this after initialization, and inline expansion... skip this exception statement. Suspend JiHuihan, Guichou... hmm...

You need to additionally calculate the access code for the data structure from the dictionary. It's a variable hyper-bit topology...

Got the handshake packet! Science Council, attention. The reboot of Huaxu will commence in three minutes!

Within the currents of data, the three brilliant minds embodying the past, present, and future of this world embark on their journey, methodically dispersing the red fog composed of 0s and 1s shrouding Huaxu.

This is their battlefield, but the battlefield that needs you is not here.

Time waits for no one. With the pieces set, it's time to make the next move.


November 10, 05:02

The World Government Parliament, President's Office

Babylonia, November 10, 05:02, The World Government Parliament, President's Office.

With a solemn expression, Hassen studies the file before him, his gaze lowered.

—"Proposal to Restart 'Project Eden': Interstellar Navigation and Colonization".

"Per the Science Council's findings, the present Eden-II interstellar colonization vessel possesses the complete capability to utilize cold nuclear fusion for propulsion and life support, eliminating the need for Zero-point energy engines"...

Therefore, I petition for a parliamentary resolution to restart Project Eden, enabling our Babylonia to voyage to the stars where it rightfully belongs...

I recall that during the Golden Age, your father worked as an engineer at the World Astronomical Study Assembly. I know this holds a special place in your heart.

However, Councilor Liszt...

Hassen closes the document in his hand.

I can't help you present this proposal to the parliament.


You've already raised a similar proposal before.

The two proposals are not the same.

But I hope you understand that our vision is to reclaim Earth.

Eden-II was indeed originally constructed for that purpose, but now is not the appropriate time for it to set sail.

If the Forsaken's missiles were to be moved within striking distance of Babylonia tomorrow, would you let it set sail?

That depends on the situation.

If the Ascendants were to truly destroy Gestalt and Babylonia tomorrow, would you let it set sail?

Such things can't be assumed.

So the answer remains no, Councilor Liszt. I still believe that now is not the right time to revisit this proposal.

Please go back. We still have our soldiers currently fighting on the surface.


Liszt says no more, rises with a cold sneer, and exits the room.

Earth is our cradle, but humanity cannot live in the cradle forever.