Story Reader / Main Story / 28 Polaris Bond / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

28-13 Eulogy



November 10, 03:35

Huaxu's computing core is destroyed (delayed)

1200m under Kowloong, Physical Layer of Tabula Akasha

I cannot describe war to you, for the cruelty of war sometimes lies not in its process but in its outcome.

"I can recount how those around me fell to the red claws of the Punishing Virus,

"Or I can tell you about a piece of paper I picked up, written in childish handwriting, with a girl's last wish of leaving a cake at home for her mother,

"Suffering and struggle have painted the backdrop of our history. Countless words have been written to document suffering over thousands of years.

Beyond that, suffering carries no meaning.

"Thus, I refuse to document suffering. I feel sorrow for those tormented by it; they are my people.

"...When only a few Constructs could fight alongside us, they nearly paved the way with their own flesh and blood.

We may be able to hide in this control room for a while, but we cannot hide forever. Holding the ground here is merely a stopgap solution.

"Though some harbor hostility toward those from Babylonia because Babylonia sent someone to murder Qu,

Yes, this is Kowloong, but Kowloong must go beyond this.

After withstanding the fiercest wave of Hetero-Creatures' assaults in the central control room of Tabula Akasha, the frenzied rush toward the core of Tabula Akasha has significantly abated. Some even appear to be falling back.

Opportunities in war are fleeting. Just minutes ago, Gray Raven seized the moment of the Hetero-Creatures' withdrawal and pushed through to the surface of Tabula Akasha, meeting up with the Strike Hawk members in the northwest engineering tunnel.

Now, apart from vital security measures, the remaining combat forces in Tabula Akasha have regressed the front line to the "surface" beneath the dome of Tabula Akasha.

According to the grand engineering blueprint designed by Norman Mining Corp, the optimal evacuation route remains through the northwest engineering tunnel that leads to the mountains on the other side.

While the lifeline hasn't been entirely reclaimed, the interference from the Punishing signal has notably diminished, enabling you to establish a tenuous connection with the Engineering Force and Support Force on the opposite side of the tunnel.


You... are... setting...

...Signal... right?


A loud noise erupts from the other end of the call, drowning out Karenina's voice. However, the communication quality appears to improve afterward.

Hello?! The signal on your end is horrible!

Is Kowloong's network condition really this poor?

Captain, they're about to use up all the explosives, you know?

Who cares about saving explosives at a time like this?! Use them all!

[player name], Babylonia's satellite can't pinpoint your exact location on the surface.

What's the name of this mountain again... something like Wutong Mountain? Maybe because it's so secluded, there are barely any Hetero-Creatures or Corrupted around here.

About... two hours and seventeen minutes later.

Karenina's answer makes you gasp in worry.

Two hours. You have to endure the onslaught of the Hetero-Creatures for another two hours...

Every minute, the people of Kowloong are paying with their blood, and you can't even imagine it after two hours.

We're currently blasting a path through the middle of the mountain to reach the engineering tunnel as quickly as possible. This is the optimal solution according to Gestalt's analysis.

I'm doing everything I can!

Also! Norman Mining Corp surely used some good materials here. Way too good for the place, I'd say. This mountain isn't just rock... It looks ancient, but it's packed with reinforced alloys.


Hello, Karenina?

What?! Can't you see I'm busy here?


I've brought the explosives and thermite charges you asked for!

Alright, thanks. Teddy, go take a look.

Ahem... Can you guys still hold up?

If conditions allow... damn it!

It'd be faster if we could blast directly downward from the surface!

No, that's not possible. The surface is filled with Hetero-Creatures.

Not only would it be dangerous for you to breach from there, but... we also can't flatten the city of Kowloong.

Of course, I know that! That's why I said... bzzz... bzzz...





The communication is cut off again.


I've detected a Punishing signal... Wait.

This isn't a Punishing signal!

Liv keeps adjusting the device beside her. It's not just her; the Fuxi Crew members on the field also notice anomalies in their instruments.

What is it this time?!

We picked up a high-coverage signal from an unknown source.

This signature code...

The familiar "feeling" in your mind resurfaces, yet this time, it is not mild but urgent and harsh, stirring a surge of intense pain within—


Get ready to calibrate the Mind Beacon. It's Huaxu!

I... cannot... hold back...

He... is dangerous...

An intense sensation of suffocation grips your chest. In contrast to the previous experience when Huaxu nearly strangled you by manipulating hands, this time the suffocation emanates from the "depths" of Huaxu. It appears not to be Huaxu's intent.

[player name]!

Quick... Run...


I will have my revenge.

I will live.

I will execute humanity's death sentence<execution>.

The blood-red words etched onto your retina are the last thing you remember before slipping into unconsciousness.