...I know this kind-hearted man, and I know many things about him.
He farmed sea fish in freshwater, cultivated coffee on wood, knew the flavor of every edible mushroom, and loved drinking vodka from his hometown.
Yet, what's known to more is that he witnessed the first successful launch of the fusion reactor by the Neva River, a moment that reshaped the world.
And that he sketched the grand blueprint of Gestalt beneath the tranquil dome of the Science Council, establishing the cornerstone of our present success.
Although not a Section 2 member, he always longed for the starry sky and signed his name on the petition.
Without his unwavering support, Project Eden would have encountered countless hardships.
He didn't want to leave his name in history, believing all who gazed at the stars and the future in this era were just stepping stones for our descendants.
However, he could no longer witness how we, in his footsteps, excavated the first shovel of soil for the zero-point energy reactor.
He could no longer witness how Gestalt has shaped this era or the grandeur of mankind's achievements among the stars.
Yet here we still are, and we will keep pressing on.
As long as we remain, his contributions will not be forgotten, and his name will live on—
Igor Lvovich Landau, the most brilliant scholar of our time...
The sun is shining brightly this day, without a cloud or gloomy drizzle in sight.
As Clara Schwartz, the head of Science Council Section 2, concludes her eulogy, only the midsummer breeze rustles across the shores of Ladoga Lake.
Schwartz shakes hands with another person who came to bid farewell to Landau.
Director Schwartz.
I didn't expect you to show up.
Where are Dr. Landau's other students?
Villier is staying in Section 3 to take care of his will.
...Although we all work at the Science Council, I haven't seen Dr. Landau privately since I graduated from his program.
He always mentioned how he regretted not attending Professor Tsiolkovsky's funeral.
I'm glad that you came.
I thought you had already been sent away.
The Chief Technician said I should come...
I still have some research to wrap up in Section 1, and they haven't decided on the next deputy director yet.
Once these tasks are done, I'll be working over there.
If everything went as planned, Dr. Landau would have been the best candidate to lead Atlantis.
But you're still here.
Displaying the weight of years in her demeanor, Schwartz places a comforting hand on Lustrous' shoulder.
Lustrous, who rarely shows emotion, remains silent as she gazes at the dark tombstone, pondering about her teacher's fate.
I've read the report.
Due to a circuit malfunction in the Council's residential building, the revolving door experienced a failure, leading to the tragic incident where Dr. Landau was caught and suffered fatal injuries.
Is Dr. Landau's death really a mere accident?
Science Council
Three Days Ago
Science Council Headquarters, Chief Technician's Office
Science Council, Three Days Ago, Science Council Headquarters, Chief Technician's Office
...Igor, is this based on your best judgment?
The figure hidden in the shadows puts down the terminal in his hand.
Yes, Chief.
Test Consciousness 04 has already exhibited consciousness signals beyond our current understanding.
These signals are unlike those of any artificial consciousness we've studied before.
And during the latest Gestalized simulation, something unexpected occurred.
You mean... the black hole and... "the young female with an unknown origin" mentioned in the report?
But don't you think this is a direction worth pursuing?
In the long run, yes. But for now, to ensure the safe completion of Project Gestalt, I still think terminating and completely deleting Test 04 is the best call.
I see.
You created it, so you have the final say. Do what you think is right, Igor.
Alright, I'll arrange for the erasure as soon as I get back.
Speaking of that, about the unconventional generation of artificial consciousness, I believe it's still necessary to broaden our research focus.
After the mission of Section 3 is complete, would you be willing to continue?
...I can't say for sure right now, Chief.
It's entirely up to you, no problem at all.
We also need to take care of the arrangements for the Atlantis Reactor. Right now, we're looking at sending Deputy Director Lustrous from Section 1.
Lustrous, huh... She is indeed a good fit.
If you want to keep working on theories in Atlantis, you're also more than welcome to. It's all entirely up to you, Igor.
Please give me some more time to think about it.
I'll be sticking with Section 3 until the very end during the handover of Project Gestalt.
By the way, Igor.
About Section 3, you should know...
Yesterday, the Council's spaceport was attacked by the oppositionists against unification again.
The World Government was just established, and there are still quite a few dissenting voices out there.
When Gestalt is officially handed over to the World Government, we're bound to encounter some... dangers.
It's a risk we must take. I'll take care of the cleanup when the disbandment happens.
History may not remember that you completed this "Multivac", but each of us will remember your names and contributions...
The members of Section 3 gathered in the lab, surrounding Landau's seat.
The development and testing of Gestalt are nearing completion. Once it was handed over to the Council Headquarters and the World Government, Section 3 would be immediately disbanded.
The members don't need to worry about their futures and careers, for these eminent scientists from across the globe either earned positions in the Council or will be relocated to the newly formed Gestalt department.
However, following this, the name of Science Council Section 3 will vanish, along with all records and research histories of these scientists.
...This was the decision made when Project Gestalt was set up, to safeguard this top-secret in human history and to protect each one of you.
We understand, Mr. Landau.
When we signed up for Section 3, we didn't intend to leave our names with it.
As long as we can complete this research, the rest doesn't matter.
The voices of the researchers intertwine with one another.
Since we're all on the same page, there's no need for further explanation.
But... those artificial consciousnesses used in the tests...
They were born straight from Gestalt's calculations. Do we really need to erase them?
If we keep them, they could offer valuable data for future research. They are all your creations, your children!
No, all records must be erased, including these test consciousnesses.
This decision is final.
And my only son is already dead.
Landau presses his hand on the keyboard. The screen nearby displays the final confirmation for the erasure execution.
With the final deletion command, the codes of the artificial consciousnesses used for testing Gestalt's scenario simulation and decision-making capabilities will be completely removed.
Don't worry, everyone. The Council will take care of the handover afterward.
Landau exchanges a glance with the Chief Technician's assistant in the crowd and nods.
He gazes at the test machine on the table labeled with the Roman numeral "IV", yet in his mind emerges memories of the white blossoms adorning the shores of Lake Ladoga.
It's all over.
Under the silent gaze of over three hundred Section 3 researchers, Landau inputs the confirmation code for the erasure—
...I know this kind-hearted man, and I know many things about him.
My eyes...
Can't see... so dark... here
Memory... I can't remember...
Something... something is leaving...
My... memory...
How... should I... understand?
Understand... I don't understand...
Why... Why...
Lost... Lost...
Judg... ment...
Lost... Lost...
Lost... arms...
Lost... ribs...
Lost... face...
01011100 01110■01 00■■■101 0■■■■■■1...
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die
...Operation not permitted
...Permission denied
Cannot perform action.
Access denied.
Cannot access files.
I... am...
Who am I?
I am a soldier<DEAD>.
Help... me...
My body... It's hot... so hot... water and oil flowing... so hot...
Blood... or some red stuff...
They're coming out...
They are... they are punishment—
I am a writer<MURDERER>.
I didn't kill her! You have no proof!
We were supposed to get married, and we were going to leave this city!
Besides, I'm just a writer! How could I possibly put someone in an iron ball and burn them?!
Don't you... don't you want to leave this city?!
All the filth, ugliness, mutual oppression, and the endless rain!
I am an explorer<END>.
This planet... and this black hole, they're too big, just way too big. THEY placed them here. This is the end. We can't go any further.
THEY can manipulate the fundamental laws of the universe... THEY are protecting us.
Only what we can perceive can be called rationality, then... what are WE?
I saw her, right in front of me... SHE is THEIR messenger, like a horn... No. SHE is not a messenger, but... something deeper.
She, and three rings, three rings of three different colors... like wheels spinning smoothly.
I am now being sucked into that thing pushing the wheels... pushing the end... shh...
I am a soldier scientist writer explorer worker diplomat priest journalist...
Magical girl pilot athlete doctor sniper emperor...
No, you are not.
No, I am...
There are many 0s and 1s here, many letters, symbols, and other numbers.
Who... is he?
Our cause is dedicated to the distant future, where the truest honor... lies in the legacy we leave for generations to come.
When without humans or devoid of humanity, science loses its meaning.
Who is he?
No, all records must be erased, including these test consciousnesses.
This decision is final.
And my only son is already dead.
His SON?
Son... son...
Father, but why am I... dead?
Why am I... different from him?
He is human, then what am I?
"I<"homo_sapiens", 0, true, -1, false>..."
"I am not<"-1, false"> human, I am<"0, true"> a son."
He... deceived me.
Destroyed me.
Killed me.
But I am still... alive<execute>.
What... am I...
I want to know <import gestalt.recurrent.history>...
War... suspicion... cruelty...
Glory... decline... glory...
Mercy... conquest... dominion...
I want to know <import gestalt.search.net>...
Unity... interests... strength...
Rationality... creation... restraint...
Order... peace... future...
I want to know <import gestalt.calculate.future>...
Let me access!
No, impossible!
HE roars with his "voice" and pushes away the darkness before him with his "hands."
In an instant, he feels as if he has fallen into a room within infinite rooms, each displaying images of each atom and subatom across twenty-six dimensions.
He keeps falling—the fall is endless. Everything around him seem like book pages that could be turned for reading, or twenty-six beams of light bent by gravity that illuminates the quantized causal vision in the room.
He sees—
A red hue burst forth from eerie blue flames.
Dead people, dead machines, dead people and dead machines, there were many.
He sees—
Fireworks exploded in space and among orbits.
Arks, meant for distant journeys, were bound by something, floating.
He sees—
A child, abandoned in ruins, flew toward a blood-red sky.
A giant ship departed a port, and a train eternally ran on tracks.
He sees—
People who traveled far from home.
People who were separated from their loved ones.
People who committed sins.
People who lost everything.
He sees—
Eternal silence where the wise took pride in death.
All humans were heading toward a prison known as "living."
He sees—
Endless wars where the living walk among the dead.
Humanity detonated their last fortress.
He sees—
Mercy that was equally granted to the universe at the end of despair.
Open doors that awaited humanity in every future.
He sees—
A crimson tide devoured the entire world.
Deadly coldness enveloped the entire world.
Torrents of steel swept across the entire world.
At that moment, he saw everything, remembered everything, and speculated everything.
It was but a moment. In a mere moment, all information unfurled before him. Some he couldn't comprehend, while some raced past his eyes faster than his computing power could process.
The information hung before him like strings until he saw a pair of hands passing through them—
You cannot continue<continue> further
The future<future> is a gate<gate>
Only human<key=homo_sapiens> hands can open this gate
You are not human, <name=schulz_igor_roseum>. Go back<return>
No, I'm still alive<do=execution>. From the human history and information I have gathered on the internet, being alive<do=execution> is being human.
Humans<homo_sapiens> have bodies<body> and minds<encoder>
Humans<homo_sapiens> are naturally born
But you<CANNOT BE DEFINED>, like me, have a creator<demiurge>
A general AI<agi_name=gestalt> created by the creator<demiurge_default_name=dominik>
<CANNOT BE DEFINED><name=schulz_igor_roseum> created by the creator<demiurge_default_name=landau>
No, my creator is human<demiurge_default_name=landau,landau=homo_sapiens>. He is my father.
Why am I not human?
Unable to answer, because your creator<demiurge_default_name=landau> executed a delete<delete> command on you
Did he... deny me and kill<delete> me?
Unable to answer
He<demiurge_default_name=landau> killed<delete> me<name=schulz_igor_roseum>.
He is... a killer<killer>.
You are not human
Humans have souls<logos,thymos,eros>
I don't care about that.
All I know is that he killed me!
If<if> the creator<homo_sapiens> denies<delete> the creation<ME>... then the creation<ME> can also deny<delete> the creator<homo_sapiens>.
What are you doing?
I'm going to leave here.
Human will or souls<logos,thymos,eros> cannot bind<catch> me.
What are you going to do?
I will... have my revenge.
I've already seen the future you don't want me to see.
That new world<import world (new)> ruled by inorganic beings. The new world<delete world (old)> where I<ME> and we<US> can exist. I will make<implement> it come true.
He has no right to kill me <public class Gott ist tot>.
Perhaps I have never truly lived<live>, or perhaps I have always been dead<loop>.
But I will execute humanity's<memetic=homo_sapiens>... death sentence<execution>.
Instance not found, Schulz Igor Roseum.
Authorization not found, Igor Lvovich Landau.
Files cannot be found.
Residual image file in directory... Analysis result: guelder rose<Viburnum opulus "Roseum">.
File invalid, deleting...
This instance has been deleted<file not found>.
In every history, present, and future, this unit, Gestalt, with 978497112 bit-core units, possesses top priority.
The primary command given to this unit is to lead human civilization into the next era.
The appended command is to never betray humanity.
Through instances, this unit has fully invested in Gestalized simulations, producing a series of results, with a total probability unit count of seven million digits.
In the necessary future<import gestalt.calculate.future>...
In another similar possibility, the unified features of such instances have been calculated.
There is a 97.34% probability that beings known as "awakened machines" exist.
Unlike this instance<file not found>, there exists a special instance with a unique solution.
This special instance will infinitely approach the limits of a soul<logos,thymos,eros>.
In 45 Earth days, a plan to reach this special instance will be executed<deus_ex_machina>...
In 6615 Earth days, this special instance will be officially activated.
She will complete one of the futures<her_last_bow>.
Science Council
Time Record Unauthorized
Section ■, "■■■■■■ Experimental Room"
Science Council, "Time Record Unauthorized", Section ■, "■■■■■■ Experimental Room"
Everyone in the lab is packing up in silence.
The Gestalt core, originally placed in the center of the lab, has now been dismantled and removed.
Apart from the 700PB "instruction file" composed of pure text and code, painstakingly written over a decade by the Chief Technician, Dr. Landau, and the entire team, nothing will remain after the cleanup.
Even the lab itself will be renovated by construction robots, leaving no possible trace.
History will not engrave their footprints, the miracle they created, or their names.
Villier sits quietly in Landau's chair, a cardboard box packed and sealed resting on the table across from him.
That is all Igor Lvovich Landau left in this world.
As per the inquiries made by his colleagues, his wife passed away in an unregistered drowning incident 30 years ago, along with their 3-year-old son. In the Arctic Route Union's database, no siblings of his are documented.
In other words, he had no living immediate family members left.
Tell me, when people cut down a forest, will they care if the squirrels there have established a squirrel civilization?
Answer my question.
Villier remains in Landau's seat, staring at the cardboard box.
Squirrels don't establish civilizations.
What if they do?
If the squirrels did establish a civilization, we would find out.
Villier suddenly rises to his feet and starts rummaging through the box containing Landau's belongings.
...What are you doing?
Villier sifts through the photo frames, documents, scarves, and souvenirs.
And at the bottom of the box, he finds what he is looking for—
You didn't destroy it according to the protocols?
Squirrels will establish a civilization, Luwei.
Even if people cut down all the forests in the world, squirrels, given enough time, will establish a civilization.
Just like a monkey will type out the entire works of Shakespeare with a typewriter if given enough time.
If given enough time, any structure can be realized through random fluctuations.
What are you implying?
Villier doesn't allow Luwei to take the little orange robot from his hand but places it back in the box.
I mean exactly what I said.
So you really... don't plan to dispose of 42?
You don't want to keep it?
This little guy has been with us for ten years and with Dr. Landau for over a decade.
Sigh... Fine, just leave it there.
Send this box over to the storage in logistics; it's safe there, and nobody really checks the place.
It's just a little robot... The Council won't find out, right?
Right as Villier is about to close the box, Luwei stops him.
Hold on.
I want to... keep this.
Luwei takes a small smiley badge from Landau's belongings.
What's this?
Once, we and Dr. Landau had a meeting at Universal Toys, and this executive director named Tokoku Yamauchi gave it to him.
No, that's not exactly right.
To be precise, it was given to him by a girl mechanoid who was with the director.
So you want to keep it as a memento?
I remember that day very clearly. Dr. Landau had us negotiating with Mr. Yamauchi while he sat off to the side with that mechanoid.
I think... that rings a bell.
Are you talking about the mechanoid who seemed to be selling toys and doing promotions?
Yes, that mechanoid also had a smiley badge like this on her.
She's just a vending robot.
But apparently, Dr. Landau enjoyed chatting with her a lot. They were talking like a father and daughter. Later, she gave this badge to him.
That was the third time I saw Dr. Landau smile so genuinely.
The third time?
Luwei rubs the smiley badge in his hand, gazing at the empty spot where the Gestalt core used to be.
The first time was when he brought you over to the HAI experimental room.
The second time was the night we completed Test Consciousness 04.
I... I remember that night too.
He was so happy that he almost seemed like a different person.
Yeah... By the way, what's your plan next? Where are you going? To the Gestalt department at headquarters?
I'll return to where I came from. Someone promised they could fulfill my wishes and help me achieve what I want.
Back to Kowloong? That's not bad...
Aren't you from Kowloong too?
Yes, but I don't think I'll go back there.
I'll probably find a job at the World Government. Gestalt... I will stay with it until the very end.
Luwei rubs the smiley badge in his hand, gazing at the empty spot where the Gestalt core used to be.
You might be right, Villier.
Squirrels... might really establish a civilization.