Story Reader / Main Story / 28 Polaris Bond / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

28-6 Reencounter



November 9, 19:47, Present Time

Underground Bunker at the Kowloong Crew Headquarters on the Nighter

Doctor! Doctor!

These people look like they have just escaped from hell. They are covered in open wounds and a crimson color that is a mix of Punishing and blood.

Somebody help!

The green patch on his back is also stained with the same crimson.

Over here, right over here. Bring them here.

Hanzhao lowers himself to lay down the injured girl on his back. The unconscious girl is as soft like as a rag doll. Hanzhao puts her on the makeshift bed on the ground.

Alright! Get out now!

The medic closes the isolation curtain. She is about to push Hanzhao out when she notices that this big man from Northwest Kowloong isn't aware that his leg is also bleeding badly.

Tsk... You, go and sit over there. Hurry up.

What are you... You have to save her first!

Her surgery will start in a moment! Your leg is bleeding all over the place!

Ah... Ah!

It finally hits him that blood is coming out of an open wound in his leg when he touches his thigh.

Go over there. Can you move on your own...? Nurse!


It's fine. I can walk.

He clenches his fists slightly, his gaze remaining on the closed isolation curtain all the while.

You didn't even know you were injured...?

Nurse! Treat his leg... The serum. Where's the serum? Hurry!


I got it.

A pair of hands gently hold Hanzhao by his shoulders.


We just arrived from Babylonia... Sorry, we're late.

Hanzhao can see the figure at the end of the tunnel more clearly now.

Kamui, Camu, follow Wanshi to distribute supplies to the doctors here.

Stay safe and keep in touch.

Wanshi, thank you for doing this.


Wanshi nods and walks up to Liv. Kamui and Camu push the transport cart behind them in silence.

Last time we set foot in Kowloong...

You cannot see Lucia's face because she is standing in front of you.



Lee rarely shows his worries. His deep sigh is a reminder of an unspoken truth.

The only memory the Gray Ravens have of this place is one battle after another.

There you are.

A highly respected member of the congress emerges from a makeshift medical tent.

This councilor's expensive suit is soiled with blood. Even her hands are covered in dried, dark red blood.

To make herself more presentable for her guests, the woman gets out a handkerchief, also stained with blood, from her pocket to wipe her hands.

But she cannot get the dried blood off her hands.

See, I told you it'd be the Strike Hawks and the Gray Ravens.

Alright, ain't got time for chitchat now.

This way.

Duheng points to the iron door at the far end of the tunnel. She gestures for you to go inside while she walks to Liv.

So... we're counting on you.

We'll do our best.

Wanshi takes the gloves from Liv and puts them on skillfully. He hangs his hands in the air to keep them sterile before nodding and directing the medics.

Fortunately... her injuries aren't severe. She has a mild infection but no organ damage.

Let's set her up for anesthesia. One pack of synthetic plasma and two packs of immune serum. Inject a serum immediately. Wait, her blood pressure isn't looking good... She's lost too much blood. Get a pad or a sheet to stop the bleeding. Prepare for nano-debridement and stitching...

I'll take it from here. Go on and get yourself ready for the next surgery. Kamui should have all the supplies. We sorted them before we left.

Got it.

Liv closes the white isolation curtain right away. She exchanges a glance with the politician with bloody hands before rushing away to help the medics on the other side.

The white curtain separates Hanzhao and Duheng from the unconscious girl inside.

...Who are you?


I'm her aunt, so... I guess I'm her family.

Duheng stares at the white curtain with a wry smile.

This wide, endless tunnel is filled with the wounded.

Yet, there are barely any complaints, groans, or cries.

All you might hear if you pass by them are a few unintentional moans out of pain.

This place is not what you would imagine a treatment site for the wounded to be. There is no despair, no sorrow, and no fear.

There is only bottomless anger burning in everyone's eyes.

This land and its people have endured so much...


A person standing by the map table waves his hand.

I never thought we'd meet again like this.

Tsk... And you are...?


Are you the Strike Hawk Captain?


You've changed. Almost didn't recognize you... Anyway, welcome.

He whispers a few words to another member of the Kowloong Crew. With it, the man turns and heads into another room.

Wasn't an easy trip, I bet?

Did you come via airdrop?

When we entered Kowloong's airspace, your team guided our transport plane to the central area in the north.

Then you must have seen what's happening on the ground.

Your line of defense has retreated to a three-kilometer radius.

Yes, that's because... we really don't have much experience fighting these Hetero-Creatures...



The door that the Kowloong Crew member left through earlier opens again. Three people of varying heights walk in.

Pulao, [player name], and the Strike Hawk Captain.

I remember you.

This is... um... Pulao's sister, Hanying.

The woman standing behind Pulao nods gently at you and Chrome.

Oh... this is Mr. Schulz... a friend of Hanying's.

The mechanoid standing beside Hanying greets you with a nod, too.

I wouldn't have been here... if it weren't for Hanying.

Pulao shows a sad smile.

Alright, let's get down to business.

When Chaofeng coughs, the rest of the Kowloong Crew in the operations room silently put on their headsets and continue directing battles at the frontlines.

Officers who stayed in Kowloong Metropolis contacted us when communication was partially restored.

Heng Ji... Fuxi from Kowloong will also join this strategy meeting.

He places a terminal on the table.


I'm in...


Well... you probably want to bring these people from Babylonia up to speed here on what's going on.

You saw most of it on your way here. I think you should update us instead. You might know more than we do.

The Hetero-Creatures emerging from the sea have reached significant numbers in a short time.

They also seem to be working together... and it seems like they are being controlled.

This has been described in witness and combat reports since the beginning of this year.

The ones spreading outward from the beach have already reached wild numbers.

From our quick look, the Hetero-Creatures seem to stay in a relatively low-level form.


At the aquarium, the Hetero-Creatures were attacking everything without a clear purpose and the kind of coordination Chaofeng described.

Meaning something is different this time.

I have a question.

If they are "just attacking everything" like Chrome said...

The Hetero-Creatures were pretty crazy before, but they seemed to be moving slowly in an orderly fashion just now when we saw them from the airplane.

We noticed that, too.

The Hetero-Creatures stopped pushing forward hysterically like they had before when we took back the communication center at the bridge. It became really obvious when the Pulao Crew was no longer around.

It almost feels deliberate...

Anyway, all we know now is that they are slowly moving north and it'll keep getting harder for us to launch counterattacks and break through.

So many people are still trapped... We... can't save them anymore.

They've already missed their last chance to escape.

Chrome's face darkens as he casts a glance your way.

Longinus Arsenal is our last chance.

No, we can't use that.

Lee shakes his head.

And we didn't bring any nodes with us to locate Longinus Arsenal.

Given the strike range and power of Longinus Arsenal...

The Parliament probably included the entire Kowloong in the strike area when they approved the proposal.

Tsk... Are they still thinking about Qu and Huaxu?

What do you mean?!

A Longinus Arsenal attack might actually happen one day if the situation worsens and the Parliament so insists... I am only saying it might.

That's why President Hassen talked to us before we left. He said that he wanted everyone in Kowloong to evacuate, if worse comes to worst.

But without support from Omega Weapons and Longinus Arsenal...


There's only one option.

The terminal on the table starts flickering.


We must... reactivate the Light Wall.

The dim xenon light feels like a warm blanket that covers the bodies of those suffering. The lullaby of painkillers and faint artillery sounds dance on the victim's closed eyelids.

Ma is sitting, staring at the white curtain with empty eyes.

His thoughts drift back decades to the day his father passed away. That day, Ma also sat by a white curtain and spent the entire afternoon in silence.

Ma disliked his father, who was stubborn with a capital S. His father refused to bow to anyone or say a kind word even on his last breath. He did not even leave a will.

While Ma is lost in his thoughts, a figure floats past the blurred lights and shadows and sits down next to him.

...You should get some sleep.

Ma remains as quiet as a piece of log.

Have you... seen her?

Ma nods.



A long, dry sound finally comes out of his cracked lips.

No, don't say anything.

One of the Mas... must live on.

Beyond the white curtain., Ma can almost see his father lying there on the hospital bed without both his legs.

Someone must live on.

The heavy iron door opens and closes again. A group of people walk out of the shelter from the command room underground.

The wounded lying on the beds sit up after some struggle and cast silent gazes.

We... need a group of volunteers who can still move to go on a new mission.




One after another, hands start shooting up in the dim light.

It will be a very difficult mission. It is very likely that... you will never return.




None of the volunteers backs down. A few more hands go up.



Duheng grabs Ma's sleeve, trying to stop him from raising his prosthetic right hand.

Try as she may, Ma is standing firmly upright, not budging one bit.

Chaofeng knows Ma has raised his hand, but looks away because he doesn't dare meet Ma's firm gaze.

Those who are ready, move to the adjacent hall.

With it, the volunteers all stand up and walk away in silence, like a moving forest feeding on silent gazes.

Ma shakes off Duheng's arm, walks behind the white curtain, and pauses briefly before joining the silent forest without looking back.

Not even Chaofeng, the Gray Ravens, or the Strike Hawks say anything behind him as they follow the forest of silence.

Everyone in the tunnel keeps their eyes fixed on the forest until it disappears in the deep darkness around the corner.

Duheng struggles to stand up from her seat. People's gazes do not nourish her. They only scorch and question her.

She staggers behind the white curtain, where the girl is lying peacefully on the bed. She is covered in bandages and serum needles.

The girl's chest is still heaving and a faint tremor traverses the dim, five-pointed star medal sitting in her palm.

The medal still carries fresh crimson blood, aglow brilliantly in the light.

I'm so sorry...

The politician's cracked hands clasp her little, soft hand, wrapping the medal between their palms.


I'm so sorry... father...

Her voice is so faint that no one can hear her.

Why? Why won't you let me go back?

I need you to continue handling Kowloong's crucial operations within the World Government.

But Moyuan went back!

She left before I could order her to stay...

I couldn't stop her.

I want to go back, too! My family is still in Kowloong!

This is an order.


If humanity cannot win this war, we must place our hopes in the future.

Babylonia is still in orbit and still in the hands of the World Government. The Parliament might be rotten to the core, but there is hope for the future as long as Babylonia continues to exist.

So... heed my order.

Stay in the World Government and board Babylonia.


Before I go, I have a question.

My family... are they alright?

Chi Ling and his father are fulfilling their duties as soldiers.

What about Duheng? Where is he?!

His mission... is over.


Fulfill your mission, "Duheng".

...I will.