World Government Emergency Meeting
06:00 p.m.
I'm sure you're all aware of the reason for this emergency meeting.
Hassen's gaze sweeps over all the attendees.
(There's a lot more people than usual. Are they finally taking it seriously...?)
Indeed, we've confirmed who is currently leading the Forsaken.
Founder of the Purifying Force
The projection of a square face appears in the center of the hall.
Ballard, the founder of the Purifying Force.
This name hasn't been mentioned in a long time, but some council members might still remember him, I believe?
Several council members show a hint of discomfort.
Are you sure, President Hassen?
If I remember correctly, that Construct should've died before the Great Evacuation ended.
Indeed, that is what the official document says.
Since the Purifying Force wasn't under the military back then, it was the Executive Court that concluded the matter.
From what I can recall, the person in charge of the Executive Court back then was...
Haha, it was me, wasn't it?
An elderly voice appears from a corner, and a frail figure in a wheelchair is slowly pushed out.
You're actually here.
Sigh... It's difficult for someone my age to show up in this place.
But I have to come. Some youngsters told me that this involves issues from the old days when I was managing the Executive Court.
Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to defend myself after you're done discussing and pointing fingers, would I?
Wouldn't you say so? Haha... cough...
The old man coughs like a broken bellows, and his secretary quickly puts an oxygen mask on him.
I don't believe you're on the attendance list, Kurono-San.
And please mind your words. The Parliament doesn't pass judgment without evidence.
Nor does it deprive any lawful citizen of their right to defend themselves.
Staring at this ghost from the past, Hassen has a bad feeling.
He has not stepped into the spotlight for a long time since the end of the Great Evacuation.
Despite how Kurono's actions must be closely connected to Kurono-San, it has all been done behind the scenes.
Kurono-San has lived a long time, having witnessed the end of the peace operations and the establishment of the World Government.
He has lived through many generations. His contemporaries like Copperfield, Trillard, and Hans have long passed away.
People have gotten used to his absence, but with one foot in the grave, he suddenly shows up at this meeting.
(What is he after...?)
Hff... I know the rules.
He removes the oxygen mask and speaks slowly.
Although I haven't appeared here for a long time, I retain the status of an honorary council member as the former lead of the Executive Court. I have the right to attend meetings and offer my opinions.
Someone as righteous as you wouldn't deny my legal right, would you, President Hassen?
...Naturally. I wouldn't dare to lead the way in undermining procedural justice.
Kurono-San nods in satisfaction.
Good, good...
Shall we continue, then? What does everyone think of this man who's returned from death?
...Please press the button before you if you wish to speak, Kurono-San. And if you're not feeling well, I recommend leaving the meeting.
Sigh... It's hard for an old man like me to remember things.
He presses the button in front of him.
I don't think it really matters if he's resurrected or someone's impersonating him, right?
Obviously, I'm not shirking my responsibility here. I'm willing to accept the Control Court's investigation after this meeting.
So why don't we focus on the other matter? What is this "Ballard" trying to do?
Please take a look at this, everyone.
The projection screen in the Parliament Hall displays a bird's-eye view of a square filled with people, barely recognizable due to the rain and the distance.
The image might be blurry, but the audio is quite clear.
Comrades, oppressed souls are still waiting for liberation in the conservation areas.
You know that not all Forsaken members are here today. Our trusted comrades are holding the front lines, guarding us against possible attacks.
(That's Ballard's voice!)
As Hassen ponders how Kurono-San obtained this footage, the voice in the video continues to talk.
Remember, this struggle only has two outcomes for both sides—victory or death.
If we must choose an outcome...
Then we will choose victory! Complete victory!
Victory! Victory! Victory!
Founder of the Purifying Force
The shouting stops abruptly, and the projection changes back to Ballard's face.
There's no need to doubt the authenticity of this footage. I wouldn't risk my reputation by presenting a fake video.
I think his intentions and stance are quite clear.
He intends to start a war and takes what belongs to the World Government.
The crowd in the hall begins whispering. The aggression shown by the Forsaken over the past few months has made many of them worried, and this recording has confirmed their fears.
If I remember correctly, the Forsaken should be led by a Construct named Watanabe. Why is Ballard in charge now?
I think President Hassen can answer that question.
According to declassified files, Watanabe's father was a close friend of Ballard, and Watanabe had previously carried out a Gestalt rescue mission with Ballard.
I see...
Did Ballard fake his death to join the Forsaken, then?
That we don't know.
But his motives and hostility are quite evident.
The seasoned politician has completely taken control of the situation, knowing exactly what most people here are concerned about.
It does not matter to them who is leading the Forsaken but whether the Forsaken poses a threat under this leader.
(He's exploiting their lack of information.)
Very few people in the Parliament know about Babylonia's partnership with the Forsaken during Watanabe's leadership.
Given that Watanabe has been missing for half a year, Ballard's actions were like his own.
As Hassen hesitates about bringing this up, Kurono-San has taken the initiative.
Speaking of Watanabe, it's been a long time since the military could contact him, right?
Then an uproar.
What are you saying, Kurono-San?
Has the military been secretly communicating with the Forsaken leader, Commander Nikola?
That's right. After the Hetero-Core incident on the space station, we've been occasionally working with the Forsaken secretly.
You will need to explain yourself after this meeting.
A member of the Control Court says.
Hmph... Let's focus on the matter at hand first.
After our first collaboration, we established a secret line of communication with Watanabe, but this line was cut off half a year ago.
So we have no idea what his current stance is.
Have you tried to find him?
We tried but to no avail.
Unless he's currently hiding within Forsaken territory.
But that would mean...
It would mean either he's been playing a double game with us, or he's been killed by Ballard.
Neither scenario is good news...
He sighs deeply.
True, but we can be sure of one thing—Ballard's hostility toward us.
So I propose... to use the Longinus Arsenal to destroy their location directly!
Their location is the former World Government headquarters. We don't need to use node targeting like with the Red Tide.
We can strike in an hour.
I won't get involved in this madness.
Don't be so hasty, young man.
We both know that is the real Ballard, not an impostor or a resurrected man.
That fake death was orchestrated by Kurono and the Parliament anyway.
Hassen has nothing to do with it.
Hahaha, let me put it another way then.
Kurono-San chuckles, paying no heed to Nikola's rebuttal.
You and I arranged that fake death because we needed an executioner who could operate in the shadows... and a spy.
But now it seems we've both been played. He had been a triple agent for a long time, learning our secrets and weaknesses.
Kurono has done its share of dirty work, and the Parliament's records haven't always been immaculate. He's targeting all of us.
He knows too much. What has been spread in the conservation areas over the past six months is just the tip of the iceberg.
He's destroying the foundation of Babylonia. We can't let him live any longer.
I'll issue an arrest warrant.
An arrest warrant?
He seems to have heard something amusing, the wrinkles on his aged face twisting and folding.
You're going to use the Purifying Force's tactics against him? The person who came up with those moves?
How much more will we have to sacrifice on the frontlines against those old soldiers?
Babylonia's forces aren't designed for wars. Fighting the Corrupted and Hetero-Creatures has already changed how our military works.
We've grown more accustomed to special operations, and we've lost our advantage squaring off on a battlefield head-on.
In contrast, Forsaken's armed forces can be fully utilized in the Clean Zone when they don't have to worry about the Punishing Virus.
Do you want all your soldiers to die in vain?
...Our conflict with the Forsaken hasn't reached that point yet.
Are you waiting for those half-truths to slowly erode all of Babylonia before you can make up your mind?
We both know Ballard will start a war. It's only a matter of time.
The longer we wait, the more advantageous it is for him.
Therefore, using the Longinus Arsenal is the cost-effective option for us.
Gears turn, and Kurono-San's wheelchair slowly carries him away.
Although you've parted ways with us, we're still on the same ship. Our Babylonia.
Stop being indecisive and use the Longinus Arsenal on him. Not for me, but for yourself and Babylonia.
The viper is revealing its fangs once again after many years.
The Longinus Arsenal... Isn't that a bit too extreme?
On second thought, though, it might be the option with the least amount of loss. If we go to war directly, how many soldiers will perish, and how will we deal with the expanding Hetero Zone afterward?
We don't know when the other side will start the war, but firing the Longinus Arsenal will surely trigger it immediately.
It'll be too late if we wait until the war actually starts. Do you want to sell out Babylonia's interests and bow to them?
The sound of arguments begins to rise, and everyone's nerves start to tense up over their own status and safety.
Quiet, everyone.
Hassen knocks on the table, and the arguing voices gradually subside.
Since the Reconquista Age, we've been trying to mend our relationship with the personnel on the surface.
After so much has happened, we've finally built a fragile trust with them through the efforts of our new generation.
Unity is our most powerful weapon against calamities.
If the Longinus Arsenal is turned against our comrades on the surface, that fragile trust will be utterly destroyed.
He tries to exchange glances with Nikola, but Nikola ignores him.
Please take that into consideration as well.
The council members fall silent—some in deep thought, some with disdain, but most wear expressions of hesitation and fear.
They fear losing their current status and becoming the sinners who start the war.
Seeing this, Kurono-San chuckles softly and presses the speech button.
(Here we go...)
Please state your piece, Kurono-San.
Ahem... Thank you, President. Now, everyone, if you wouldn't mind listening to an old man's ramblings...
Before the World Government was established...
His hoarse, heavy voice carries the weight of generations.
People had just emerged from the "Great Depression" back then, and there was a trend toward unification, but it wasn't a straightforward process.
Voices of opposition emerged one after another, each with their own reasons and agendas.
How did we solve that problem?
With war. We resolved it with decades of peace operations.
Did humanity become fragmented because of it?
No. We established the World Government and entered the Golden Age.
What a glorious and enterprising era that was. I think Babylonia itself is the best evidence.
After that was the outbreak of the Punishing Virus, the Post-Pandemic Age, and the Great Evacuation.
Were we wrong? Were any of you wrong?
He slowly looks at each council member, giving them a moment to contemplate or convince themselves.
We were not wrong. We kept the spark of hope alive and began the Reconquista Age.
This Babylonia is the continuation of our Golden Age. It is the continuation of our civilization.
Certainly, war is painful.
But if this is the price of unity, I believe the pain is worth it. As members of the World Government, I hope everyone can consider the matter rationally.
Does anyone want to experience another "Great Depression" because of this prolonged division?
Or do we endure this short-term discomfort and fight back?
Having spoken in his hoarse voice, Kurono-San puts the oxygen mask back on. The sound of the respirator slowly spreads throughout the hall as if reminding everyone that time is running out.
Those who were originally deep in thought now show a similar hesitation.
Does anyone else wish to speak?
No one responds. The tide has turned.
We'll proceed to vote on Nikola's proposal, then.
35.1% are in favor of Commander Nikola's proposal, 30.8% oppose, and 34.1 abstain. The support rate is higher than the minimum requirements. This proposal is passed.
Hassen's face darkens as he realizes Kurono-San's goal has been achieved.
He was not trying to gain supporters. He was trying to push more people to abstain.
His message was simple—someone else can push the button, but everyone can share the reward, just like they did during the Great Evacuation.
The venom forgotten by history has finally caught on at this moment, its toxin bursting forth. Just like during the Great Evacuation, those at the crossroads have chosen silence once again.
As President, Hassen can only watch as this happens.
It seems that our discussion is over. I'll take my leave.
Young people, there's no need to regret today's decision. Just go ahead and do it.
Just as he is about to leave in his wheelchair...
Broadcasting the "United Declaration" now.
The machine that should not speak breaks its silence.
Gestalt, what's going on?
This announcement was set up when the World government was first established. When the condition of "deploying a weapon of mass destruction on a large population" is met, it will automatically broadcast.
All the council members stare at each other, confused. No one has ever heard of this arrangement.
That said, the condition Gestalt mentioned has never been met before.
To the future generations, my name is Trillard. I am the first President of the World Government.
Seeing the person who had hindered him almost his entire life, old Kurono-San clenches his fists.
But what he is seeing is only a projection from the past. All his hatred cannot transcend time to reach Trillard.
Our time has just begun. What about yours?
Has our beautiful solar system been fully developed?
Or have you gone beyond the Milky Way and reached galaxies that we could only see through telescopes before?
Have you established communication with alien civilizations? What are their technologies and arts like?
The man in the projection speaks like a well-traveled neighbor, rambling on about the possibilities of the future.
The once-spacious hall suddenly feels cramped, and some council members look uneasy.
But since you're hearing these words, I imagine you must be facing something similar to what we were facing.
Trillard smiles kindly.
Indeed. Unity has a price.
But please take a moment to think, my future comrades. Put yourself in their shoes.
Have you really listened to the other side's demands? Is there really no room for negotiation?
What if you become the price that can be sacrificed one day?
The cost should not be our excuse to avoid difficulties. We should not be so comfortable with sacrifices being the price, and we should not show our dedication only when it is easy.
How can a civilization aiming for the stars regress to a barbaric era of survival of the fittest?
Of course, I cannot make your decisions for you as a phantom of the past.
This message is just an excuse for you to reconsider.
He puts away his smile and speaks in a solemn tone.
Please think again and make a careful decision... for your fellow humans and the future.
You do not have to become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
More importantly...
Don't become the silent snow that triggers the avalanche.
After Trillard's speech, a list of co-signers begins to play.
Those were all founding members of the World Government!
And members of the Science Council as well!
This warning has traveled through time, pleading with the council members to reconsider their relationship to the surface.
(How many more times are you going to be in my way...?)
Kurono-San is the only one still alive from their generation.
But he has always lived in their shadow, back when they were alive, and seemingly even after their death.
How can someone accustomed to the shadows step into the light?
(But you overestimated them. Those moved by your words are still the minority.)
Hassen is not really relieved by this sudden declaration either.
Since the initial World Government deemed it so, shall we vote again, President Hassen?
A figure bursts into the meeting hall.
Celica? You should've called us through comms first.
There's no time. Besides, it's related to this meeting.
I'll accept the administrative penalty afterward.
What's going on?
We found [player name]!
And the commandant has brought back information about the Forsaken!
Ballard framed Babylonia for Watanabe's death to incite conflict, but a recovered Watanabe is heading to Ballard's main base to stop him right now.
Having finished speaking in one breath, Celica pants heavily from running all the way here. Meanwhile, Kurono-San's face darkens.
Can you confirm it is the commandant? Gray Raven has brought back clones before, right?
I can confirm.
All surgical scars match the records of the Star of Life.
Then who can guarantee the truth of what the commandant says?
I can.
Have you remembered everything I told you?
Must we do this?
We must. Once we leave this place, send the report as I instructed anonymously.
Go back to Humanity's United Front afterward and act like you know nothing, just like before.
The man opposite Trillard hesitates.
Hah, don't worry.
All of them like to say that politicians like us are cowards who wouldn't pull the trigger.
Trillard pats the man's shoulder.
They're wrong...
You are the real bullet that I've fired into this world.
I believe you will save the future, Hassen.
Facing Kurono-San's surprised gaze, the whispers around him, and the increasing number of people whose hesitation and fear have turned into contemplation and determination...
Hassen knows that it is time for the bullet Trillard fired decades ago to fulfill its intended purpose.
I am willing to vouch for [player name]'s words as the President. I'm willing to bear the consequences.
The commandant would never deceive us in this matter.
I now announce a second vote on the deployment of the Longinus Arsenal!