Jada, how much longer will it take for the commandant and Watanabe to wake up?
I wish I could know, too...
She tinkers with the devices before her, but eventually abandons the futile task, realizing that it merely provides a fleeting illusion of solace.
His problem isn't only due to the recent severe injury. The root cause lies in his prolonged surface activity without an Inver-Device, and he's been frequently engaging in battles against highly infected targets.
The fact that he hasn't turned into a Corrupted isn't just luck; he's been employing methods that are strictly forbidden in the safety manual.
Wait, if it prevents infection, why forbid it?
Hmph, because a schizophrenic is a patient, while a Corrupted is just an enemy.
Treating the former costs so much more than dealing with the latter.
Schizophrenic? Can Constructs also get sick?
...It's just an analogy. The full name should be "M.I.N.D. Trauma Syndrome".
It usually appears in Constructs who have suffered severe trauma or corruption.
Symptoms include hallucinations, visual distortions, phantom pains, etc... but this syndrome also brings some negligible benefits.
Firstly, it can enhance frame performance, much like how humans can summon extraordinary strength at the cost of self-inflicted damage during critical moments.
Secondly, it increases resistance to the Punishing Virus, allowing Constructs to endure higher levels of corruption.
However, it's essentially using poison against poison. Sustained damage will inevitably make the M.I.N.D. more fragile, and he...
Jada looks at the still-unconscious Watanabe and sighs.
He's probably remained in this state since coming to the surface.
But that's not even my biggest concern.
There's more?!
The corruption on him, there's a part that simply cannot be eradicated, no matter how I try.
Worry about your corruption level first.
Leon pushes Watanabe back into the chair as he tries to get up.
The corruption level is still low; it won't have any impact on my condition.
I used to be in the military, and I've fought alongside Constructs.
That wound on your head. It was caused by forcefully removing the Inver-Device, wasn't it?
Without that thing to shield you from the Punishing Virus, you better just stay put for now.
We at least have the scavenged serum, but there's no way for you and Jerry to use it.
You want me to watch you go into battle?
...For us, losing the combat power of one Construct is merely a minor setback.
However, losing a leader is a wound that will take the Forsaken a long time to recover from.
You're just like that flag, and you don't have to leave the camp. As long as we can see it flying proudly and high, the Forsaken won't crumble apart.
So please, understand your importance, Boss.
But a leader who always remains detached, unable to fight alongside their people, can hardly be a flag, right?
Haven't you done enough yet?
Just quit it. Don't you know who he is by now?
If you're not here to help me convince him, don't stir things up more.
Who's got time to waste on you two stubborn heads, anyway?
I'm here to report something.
The smile on Suma's face fades away.
Boss, we found the people from "Oasis"... or should I say, they've found us.
Mister, why do your clothes look just like Leon's?
Uh... well, that's because...
And what's that round little ball hanging on your shoulder?
That's a grenade... Whoa, whoa, don't touch it! It's dangerous!!!
What... what do you want now...?
Can I touch that gun...
Definitely not!
Upon Watanabe's arrival, he is greeted by this scene of chaos.
Boss is here!
Yeah, he came to catch the little troublemakers.
Suma extends her hands in a claw-like gesture and approaches the children who are clinging to the soldier.
Crap, run!
Haha, you think you can outrun me?
The children scatter under Suma's pursuit, running far away with her.
Sorry about that. They rarely see outsiders and got a bit too carried away.
Wa... Watanabe!!
The soldier's voice takes on a tone of surprise mixed with heightened excitement as he begins to speak.
It's me... you know, Zong!
He talks incoherently, waving his arms wildly, which only serves to further confuse Watanabe.
Ah, I almost forgot I still have this on...
The soldier yanks off his helmet, revealing a youthful and somewhat goofy face.
Watanabe, I didn't expect to see you here!
You are that kid from back then...?
As Watanabe observes the familiar hair color, a small figure from his memory slowly overlaps with the person standing before him.
That's right. You recognize me now?
A goofy smile graces his face.
But why call yourself Zong?
The smile freezes on the soldier's face.
Because you saved me back then... I couldn't use your name to commemorate it... and you gave me a Zongzi...
Later on, I enlisted in the military just like you, so I adopted it as my codename... to remember that moment...
Then I became a Construct... and joined "Oasis".
To commemorate... Oh, I see what you mean by it now.
After a brief moment of contemplation, Watanabe decides not to pursue further. It is not difficult to imagine how, in those days of limited communication, a child would speculate and wonder after witnessing someone on the brink of death and then being unable to obtain any subsequent updates.
Should I change it now?
That's up to you. If it brings you more than just memories, I'd be happy about it.
Hehe, to be honest, I'm so used to it that I don't really want to change it.
The young soldier scratches his head in embarrassment.
Let's get down to business. What brings you to the Forsaken?
Oh, right. Generalissimo sent me to invite the Forsaken leader for a talk.
He hopes that the Forsaken can join "Oasis".
Wait, that means you, right?!
Upon hearing that name, Watanabe pauses, for it was once the place that most of the Forsaken sought.
However, as they have relinquished their pursuit of that goal and begun constructing their own "Oasis", the other party unexpectedly arrives at their doorstep.
Sorry, I got carried away... I need to discuss this with my people.
Join... Hmph, sure sounds nice, but let's be real, it's just a fancy way of saying a takeover.
Don't be so harsh... Weren't you also running around the world looking for "Oasis" before you met Boss?
Well, it's more like most of us who initially tagged along with Boss were in a similar boat.
If it were before, I'd probably have packed up and left immediately upon hearing the news.
But now, if there's a place more cozy than this, it'd probably have to be either Babylonia or the train, haha.
You wish... But it's true that we don't need to look for "Oasis" anymore. We got our own little spot now, don't we?
Once I seal the deal with New Oakley, our food situation will be way better.
Hey Watt, why have you been so quiet all this time?
Boss isn't speaking because he wants to hear our opinions first, but it's rare for you to be this silent.
I was thinking about that soldier.
You mean that goofy kid? He seems fine to me.
That's not what I meant... He's a Construct, and the parts on him seem brand new.
You're talking about...
Yeah, it's likely that "Oasis" has replacement parts and hibernation pods for Constructs.
They're a group of old-era soldiers, most likely holding onto a whole bunch of resources that were leftover from the time when Constructs fought alongside the military.
The group falls silent, and after a brief pause, Suma breaks the silence.
Well, in that case, there's really no reason to hesitate any longer...
Although the circumstances leave me no choice, I still feel bad just sitting around in the camp doing nothing all the time.
Before Watanabe can speak, Watt interrupts him.
I know what you're going to say, but don't forget...
The Forsaken not only means to remember the past but also to help those who are falling behind.
Consider this as helping yourself this time.
Um... It's helping me, too, right?
No one asked you.
Haha, you heard Jerry, Boss. It's not just your problem anymore.
If you're heading to "Oasis" for negotiations, Suma and I should tag along as well.
Thanks, guys. Let's go check out the place we used to yearn for.
The atmosphere at the negotiation site weighs even heavier than everyone imagined.
Hey... doesn't something feel off here...
You don't get it. Anyone can tell that the other leader is a seasoned veteran, just from one glance, and it's like they're locked in a battle of wills or something.
It seems Boss has met his match this time.
The two whisper to each other in hushed tones.
Do you really think so?
Why do I feel Boss seems a bit... restrained?
Are you kidding? Have you ever seen him acting restrained?
Yeah, remember when we asked the old artist for the emblem design, and he lectured us and Boss for half an hour?
It's kind of like that, I guess?
Now that you mention it, it does kinda strike me as similar.
No matter how quietly they whisper, their voice can't escape from Constructs' audio module.
Watanabe, it seems you've been slacking off.
Upon hearing the familiar, composed voice, Watanabe is thrown back to the past era devoid of the Punishing Virus, when Ballard would often utter the same words to him.
Long time no see, Ballard.
Seeing you alive doesn't surprise me at all, and I wonder why.
Heh, you should call me Instructor.
But it's not necessary now.
Having triumphed over respective hardships, the two individuals, who coincidentally crossed paths once more, exchange a knowing smile.
I told you!
Why did you call me here alone?
The previous negotiation was just a formality. What I'm about to say next is the real deal.
Following a negotiation that resembled more of a catch-up session with no tangible outcomes, Watanabe received a private invitation from Ballard.
Before that, don't you think it's about time you explain your "resurrection"?
It's simple—it was a staged death.
A staged death needed by both the Parliament and Kurono.
Watanabe has heard of this major conglomerate from the Golden Age, but he remains unaware of the reasons behind their entanglements with the Parliament.
I'll explain the matters about them in detail later.
Now, here's what I want to put on the table: "Oasis" will be integrated into the Forsaken, and you're going to be the one leading the charge.
Don't get all surprised just yet. I'm not the type to hand over my soldiers out of some sentimental longing for the past.
You've been the one guiding your followers through the chaotic early days, helping them secure a foothold and building cooperative bonds with various factions. All of this is enough proof of your competence and integrity.
The Forsaken, huh... It's a good name.
So, entrusting "Oasis" to you is the best choice for me.
Why suddenly let go of it?
Because both the Parliament and Kurono still think I'm their spy.
When "Oasis" is weak, they can just ignore it.
But when it grows into the largest armed group on the surface, they have to take it seriously.
You still need the convenience that my spy identity brings, so I can't cut the bonds with them just yet.
And if I continue to directly lead "Oasis", it's only a matter of time before they find it out.
Initially, I intended this negotiation as a test for the rising leader of the Forsaken...
Now it seems I can rest assured to leave it to you.
You want me to be their leader?
Do you still remember what I said to you before?
You can't save everyone as a soldier. The true arbiters of fate affecting the majority are often the leaders who make decisions.
Now, you have the ability and qualification to bear those lives.
Those "Oasis" soldiers might...
I am the Generalissimo of Oasis, and they are my soldiers. It's a soldier's duty to obey orders.
...Well, at the very least, let me be honest with them about one thing before anything else.
...Is it about Cyril?
Watanabe nods.
That's completely unnecessary.
Nevertheless, Watanabe rises to his feet, gazing at the setting sun in the distance, his mind drifting back to the confrontation from many years ago.
It's necessary. The reason I've been able to lead the Forsaken to where we are today is the trust we've built through honesty.
Not to mention...
I promised him that this land would never forget those who fought for it.
The merger between the Forsaken and Oasis has unfolded with greater ease than anticipated.
As both factions unite in the battle for the survival of the surface dwellers, lingering grudges of the past are swiftly dissolved by time.
Without ideological clashes, even though a few try to make an issue out of Cyril's situation, their attempts are soon quelled by Ballard's authoritative intervention.
"Oasis" is no more, for the Forsaken is spread greenery across the once barren land.
To cover the blood, tears, and stains.
They have bidden many farewells...
My brother and I never regretted following you, Boss.
Had many new encounters...
Saved many lives...
Counting this time... it's the second time you've saved me...
Also left many regrets behind...
Don't grieve for those you couldn't save. Focus on the living.
There have been disagreements.
This rescue mission is nothing but a reckless act with no return!
I will be back...
With the survivors from the train.
There has also been seamless cooperation.
You got it?
Yeah... I won't let those traffickers run away this time.
Having weathered numerous trials and tribulations together, Watanabe and Ballard have grown so close and familiar that Watanabe confides in him about everything, trusting him implicitly.
Alright. Time is of the essence. I'll go with them to hold off the Hetero-Creatures tomorrow...
The man nods in understanding, emerges from the corner, and gently pats Watanabe on the shoulder.
Leave everything here to us. The Forsaken... will await your victorious return.
But if you're gonna boost morale, you'll need a fresh image. Using this scrapped frame just won't cut it.
Ballard unlocks a concealed room that is usually used for maintenance. Within it rests a brand-new frame.
When did you make this?
Since quite a while ago. After the Hetero Tower incident, Kurono and the Parliament have been too caught up to pay attention. There are plenty of things that don't need to stay hidden...
Decades of preparation... can finally be put to use.
...Thank you.
Give this frame a name, will you?
Watanabe ponders for a long time, reflecting on the initial promise made and remembering those who were unable to make it this far...
Epitaph... Let's call it Epitaph...
I want to keep their memory alive, like dust embracing those who couldn't make it, and pass on their stories to those who come after.
Dwelling on the past is not a good thing.
Ballard, in a tone filled with depth and sincerity, speaks with profound meaning.
I know, and that's why I can't stop moving forward.
...Do you still believe there's a chance for reconciliation between the surface and Babylonia?
I can't forgive what they've done in the past, and I believe many others share the same sentiment.
But that doesn't mean we should pass on our hatred to the next generation.
A new sun has risen there, and there are more to come.
The hatred of the past generation can no longer be mended, but the future doesn't have to follow the same path.
Just as the new generation can't forgive on our behalf, how can we impose our past hatred on them?
If Babylonia can confront the truth and genuinely repent, I believe there's a possibility for both sides to sit down and have a talk.
While it's crucial to acknowledge history, we mustn't overlook the present. Both the current reality and past events are equally important. We should share everything, and let them choose for themselves.
Hmph, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were planning to abandon the Forsaken and join Babylonia.
A true Forsaken would never abandon those kindred spirits.
Well, you're starting to sound more and more like a leader now. Time to gear up and get going.
And take this.
What Ballard hands over is an old-fashioned shotgun.
The gun my father gave me!
When Watanabe defected, he was unable to bring any personal belongings aboard the transport craft, and losing this particular gun had been one of his enduring regrets.
Watanabe, do you still doubt whether you're doing the right thing?
With you and the Forsaken by my side, along with the support of our people, I believe I'm on the right path.
Heh, don't put me on a pedestal.
No one can be right forever. If a day comes when you think I'm wrong... come and stop me.
Now, take that faith from Shin and carry it into your battle.
While Watanabe habitually regards Ballard with the respect reserved for an elder, he forgets one thing...
Some things won't fade away with time. They will only go deeper and deeper in your memory until...
They become reckless obsessions.
Let's begin...