T-minus 33.5 hours
...Huff... Ah...
Emerging from the looping illusion, Lamia can't stop herself from shaking.
She glances at the human commandant—covered from head to toe in wounds—in front of her and "Noan" who stands so far away she can barely see him.
Looking at the sludge around her that used to be Hetero-Creatures, she quickly realizes what happened.
Was that... a M.I.N.D. fusion?
She realizes that the egg in her arms is the root of all evil, but she clutches tightly to it all the same, like an orphan holding a weapon on the battlefield.
How long have I been here?
Why did you come here?
Lamia falls silent when you pass her the ID card with XX003 written on it.
...Let's just hope we've got enough money putting these two together.
Lamia quickly brings you up to speed about the illusions she saw during her M.I.N.D. fusion.
These Hetero-Creatures are so organized they've got to be under someone's command... It could be Lithos, no? Did I flatten these guys?
...I was zoning out?
So why... didn't you just take the egg? Humans might not be able to touch it, but you have someone with you who can.
Lamia lowers her head, deep in memory because of these words.
...Do you... really mean it? That this isn't just some temporary partnership sort of thing... but that you actually trust me?
This is an utter lie.
You proposed taking the egg when "Noan" told you that Lithos was coming this way.
Lithos can still mess with my frame, though.
He might not be able to make me do what he wants me to do, but giving me the egg is like handing it right to him because he can control the Punishing around me.
I don't have one.
Lithos is going to merge with Cthylla's consciousness even if he dies in her womb. Being an Ascendant just makes it that much easier for him.
Ever thought about charming the enemy into working for us? I can hold the egg for as long as you want me to if we get Lithos out of the way.
C'mon, you look presentable with a capital P.
Here goes nothing.
Lamia is oblivious to your desperate will to survive. To her, you're a battered and bruised human with a wry smile who's putting a world of trust in her.
In your eyes—having clouded from all the damage you have taken and the corruption—she sees sadness, separation, and trust, all of which she has seen.
...like what she saw on that rainy day.
The fragile walls of her swaying heart buckle under the weight of her memories, and yet Lamia is holding on to the last bit of her rationality.
Lamia can't measure how much truth there is to your words, but she now doesn't see a point for her to argue with you about anything besides the egg.
Besides, she somewhat enjoys this hard-earned respect.
Do you think humans and Ascendants can coexist peacefully?
Seizing a rare opportunity for dialogue, Lamia asks you—someone whom she believes thinks about world peace and all—raises a question that crosses her mind every now and then.
...Well, I've observed a bit of a change in Luna's attitude these days...
With the clock ticking down on you, Lamia drifts away from the here and now—into that journey dreamy journey of hers that she hasn't yet had enough of.
She looks this way with a dreamy look in her eyes.
Get rid of Lithos...
Get rid of me?
It took him a little longer than you thought, but here he is.
Dealing with those rooms that you people messed up and left to rot definitely took me some time.
And it doesn't help that you aren't the easiest person to find in this world.
You've been staying holed up knowing that the last shot takes 48 hours. Either you know what's going on, or...
Lithos scoffs at the young man behind you.
...someone has been feeding you information and guiding you?
Why bother asking when you already know the answer?
And the whole story about how you can't see—that's a lie, too?
You think everyone and everything in this world needs to meet all your needs and wants, Lithos—and so do your "fathers" whose guts you hate.
The purple-haired Ascendant says no more, his smile fading away as he turns around coldly. Behind him, another shadow emerges in the darkness.
Lamia, give Cinderelik back to Mother now.
Is that really Cinderelik's mother?
The egg in Lamia's arms twitches like a fish out of water.
Tsk, Lamia, those are some very hurtful words that just came out of your mouth.
But you've been feeding her nothing but lies. She's not going to find herself even if she's reborn—she's just going to become one of your tools again.
Says someone who's been using the kid as a tool this entire time?
The mermaid silently raises her weapon.
Saying nothing, Lithos walks up this way, all the while keeping Cthylla behind himself.
Let's get down to dealing with the traitor first.
Lithos! "She" is here. There is no way you can bypass "her" enhanced permissions to control the Punishing!
During that fragmented, hallucinatory journey she had, Lamia caught glimpses of the truth within the "egg."
I can do this all day, Lamia.
And the rest of you... I'm sure Cthylla will have no trouble dealing with.