Having eliminated the Hetero-Creatures that had been tailing you, you perk up and turn your attention back to the old news you'd just found.
#Professor Kilgore Trout Makes Public "Confession" in His New Autobiography
A reporter from a news agency received the latest "novel" by Professor Kilgore Trout.
Except for early life anecdotes, the book details how the "protagonist," a psychiatrist of fifteen years, manipulated and drove 13 individuals to suicide.
All were patients he had treated for mental illnesses, with the latter half of the book including the actual case files of the 13 patients.
After repeated verification of the book's authenticity, the reporter decided to report to the police.
#7411 People Initiated Joint Petition for March in Support of Professor Kilgore Trout
As a renowned psychiatrist and psychologist, Professor Kilgore Trout has helped countless patients and assisted the police in solving numerous cold cases.
The 13 people he incited to commit suicide all had criminal records but were largely exempt from punishment due to their mental illnesses.
According to the reporter's detailed investigation, during the fifteen years Professor Trout worked as a psychiatrist...
...He assisted the police in identifying around 100 criminal cases involving mentally ill individuals, with 13 believed to have been driven to suicide.
In an interview, he disclosed his motive: to test if those who justify murder with mental illness would themselves resort to the same reasoning for suicide.
And yet, it still hasn't stopped people from speaking out for him.
So far, 7411 people have initiated a joint petition online and organized an offline march.
#Professor Kilgore Trout Seen Among the Marchers
It was only after the march in support of Professor Kilgore Trout had come to an end that people discovered a man resembling him in photos from the event.
□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□Police refuse to disclose any further information.
However, according to a source, "Professor Kilgore Trout indeed managed to escape from prison during that time."
□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□, □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□, and this is how it all went down.
#Determination of Sentence for Professor Kilgore Trout May Prove Difficult
The police have yet to discover further evidence linking Professor Kilgore Trout to the 13 suicides after his last autobiography was sent out.
Supporters have raised doubts about whether the autobiography was actually written by Professor Kilgore Trout himself.
Was it by a journalist who has been bribed to send the professor's reputation down the drain? Was the professor forced to write the autobiography?
#Professor Kilgore Trout Signed Death Row Inmate Body Experiment Agreement
#Significant Progress Made in Experiment for Uploading Mind Data
It wasn't until now that we're finally keeping □□□□□□ confined.
Related personnel refuse to reveal further information.
#Professor Kilgore Trout Confirmed Dead
(This particular piece only comes with the title)
#Death Row Inmate Body Experiment Contract to Be Scrapped
On July 13th, the death row inmate body experiment contract plan will be officially terminated.
Approved by the World Government, this three-year plan began as a voluntary public welfare contract signed by death row inmates and their families.
Upon receiving compensation, inmates agree to participate in related medical experiments.
Over the past year, however, multiple instances of backdoor dealings among the institutions involved have been exposed.
In the name of the World Government, these institutions enlist inmates without consent for inhumane, torturous experiments.
After the scandal broke, massive protests ensued, halting the plan within three days and leading to the explicit legal prohibition of human experimentation.
Incident Report
The mind data of □□□□□□ has been lost.
□□□□□□□□□□□□□, someone must be helping him, □□□□□□□□□□□□□, □□□□□□□□□□.
He "escaped."
#Project Cthylla Achieved Preliminary Success
□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ through cloning and mind backup, the deceased can be reborn in the womb of a Mother.
Even after conversion to mind data, individuals retain the ability to revert to a human form, granting immunity to fatal injuries and incurable diseases.
Humanity will achieve true immortality the day Project Cthylla is successfully developed.
Apart from the incident report, most of these documents are just like "clippings"—they're nothing but bits and pieces of old news.
Someone was after this certain Professor Kilgore Trout, and these seem like what came out of his pursuit.
You go on looking for clues with this question sitting in the back of your mind, and it isn't long before you find an old novel under the shelf beside the desk.
A printed photograph that vaguely captures the figure of a young man falls out of the novel when you open it.
You put the photo aside and carry out looking for further information in the book. There is nothing, however, save for bloodstains—until you reach the very last page.
That mister came here again today, and he chose me. Fathers said I have to make him happy because he's a very prestigious man.
But he didn't do anything. We talked about me and my life here and about the other fathers and Rose. He asked me a lot of questions about what I'd learned, too.
I worked up the courage to ask his name, but he just pointed to the book by my bed and asked what I thought of it.
...I told him I just liked the title of the book. When I picked it from the donations, I thought it was a fairy tale book. I didn't understand a thing when I actually started reading it, though.
He told me to start addressing him as Vonnegut when I could read it, and that he would come to pick me up if we meet again.
Am I supposed to believe that? Or... can I even wait until then?
Riel has been gone for over a month, and Father only brought back his Rubik's cube.
What does this passage mean? Does it have anything to do with the news just now?
Can the truth be as simple as the news makes it out to be if all of this is pointing toward the past of Vonnegut the agent?
The world around you seems to have grown blurry right when you're about to think a little deeper.
The corruption of your Mind Beacon has been interfering with your judgment.
You turn around, hoping to pick the brains of your "local guide," but see that he's standing afar fully attentive to the entrance, while Lamia looks this way still holding the egg.
Did you find something?
...But are you... okay?
She reaches her hand out trying to touch you.
...You seem like you're... crying?
At the question, you see your face through the reflection in a puddle.
You look on the verge of a breakdown, having had to live through too much pain and suffering.
You've been turning a blind eye to everything you've been through, pretending they didn't bother you, but here you are, finally losing your cool.
With everything that needs to be done, you know you've got no time to whine or become anyone's burden.
Time is running against you.
When you look up, you break into a smile that shines through the wounds and bloodstains on your face.
T-minus 37.5 hours