Story Reader / Main Story / 25 Everglowing Justice / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

25-4 To Each Their Own



Dim light simulated by the weather system shines through the windows of the conference room in the Babylonia Headquarters.

The morning meeting is coming to an end. An oppressive air fills the room as Nikola frowns while reading the remaining few reports.

...Any news on the Kurono test subject?

Not yet. The Task Force on the surface is investigating along the way. There have been a few sightings of a purple-haired Construct here and there, but nothing concrete.

And the Purifying Force?

Nothing from them, either. Issarius' team is still searching on the surface.

Things are complicated down there. Even by casting a wide net to search, it's still going to take some time.

...Expand the search party. We have to retrieve that Construct before Kurono does.

That test subject represents something more than just Kurono's secret research.

Hm... If we take this opportunity to reinstate Iris Warbler...

We can't. We have to be careful not to rattle them.

Not to mention the finessing WGAA had to do to even keep Iris Warbler around. Some people from the Parliament were even hoping to make use of Lena's disappearance to disband the squad for treason.

Even though everyone knows the real reason why they didn't want Iris Warbler to be reinstated.

Nikola sneers.

Undoubtedly, some people would love for Iris Warbler to stop being associated as the "discoverers of Constellia."

Wells flips through the report on the terminal.

...Strike Hawk is investigating the border of the Clean Zone. Most other teams are carrying out missions...

Disregarding the official squads... What about Scarab? They should be standing by on Babylonia.

Shorthalt from Scarab went missing in their previous mission.

Our locator shows his last known location being flooded by the Red Tide. We've sent drones to search the area. No body was found, but it's confirmed that there is no possibility of survival.

The military has marked Shorthalt as KIA. Discord has been assigned to Scarab to fill the vacancy, but I won't suggest sending them to the surface right now.

What about Dark Aries?

Noan's frame is clear. Dark Aries have received their assignment and entered the Clean Zone, stationing there.

Dark Aries... It's still too risky to send them, given their precarious ties to Kurono. We should assign them some simpler missions toward the outskirts of the Clean Zone for now in case we need backup.

And we've received the security footage from Constellia. Lena seems to be connected to the defectors.

I recommend issuing a double warrant on Lena, a possible defector, just in case.

You want to arrest "Lena"? Her identity...

She can only be Lena.

Containing it within the strife between Babylonia and Kurono would give them more grounds to bring back that "test subject."


We'll go with that for now... What about Lucia from Gray Raven?

She's still being monitored, but the Science Council has already determined that nothing is unusual about her. We're just waiting for the Control Court to complete the final steps for their ruling.

As long as everything is progressing normally.

In that case, we'll wrap up the meeting here. Contact me if there are any updates.

He stands up and opens the door, only to find a young commandant who seems to have been waiting outside for a while.


General Wells...

Sica salutes him.

Is there any news on Lena, General?

Unfortunately, there's nothing yet.

I believe I can go to the surface and look for her whereabouts. We're both from Iris Warbler, and...

We've talked about this many times already, Commandant Sica.

Commander Nikola...

I understand why Iris Warbler can't be deployed, but Lena...

It's good that you care about your team, but we mustn't be too impulsive.

The time will come. Be patient.

He pauses for a moment before heading back to his office in silence.

Outside the conference room door with the flickering "In Use" sign is a man in a colorful shirt. He leans casually on the wall of the walkway, waving at a woman stepping out.

Hi, Rebecca! Working today, huh?

Rebecca looks briefly disgusted upon seeing Norman, but she quickly smiles professionally after sighing.

What can I do for you, Mr. Norman?

Your birthday is in a few days, isn't it? I've prepared a small gift for you. I hope you like it.

Norman opens up an exquisite box he has hidden inside his cuffs and reveals a pair of beautiful earrings.

How did you find out...

I'm still capable of getting my hands on a piece of intel or two.

Collins... That guy just doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

Two members from the Control Court walk past them, seemingly accustomed to this scenario. They even nod at Norman with a hint of encouragement in their eyes.

Although this ruse of yours has given you a legitimate reason to approach us, you're still being very conspicuous.

Rebecca's smile still looks the same from the outside, but her eyes are filled with loathing.

It's okay! This is worth nothing to my family.

Pretending to passionately pursue Rebecca, the debauched son of the Norman family never fails to show up outside Collins' office with proper reasons.

Get in... Collins' waiting. Don't forget to make an appointment next time.

Rebeccas sighs before quietly handing the gift back to Norman, but he shakes his head.

Keep it. I meant to give it to you. A birthday is a day worth celebrating, no matter what... Happy birthday.

Norman does not seem to be joking, so Rebecca takes the gift once more before stepping aside to watch the smirking man enter Collins' office.

Hearing the door open, Collins lazily opens his eyes and smiles.

You and your tricks, Norman!

A shame that Rebecca doesn't seem too pleased with it.

Enough with that. You know what I'm talking about.

Norman smiles before taking out a piece of scrap paper with the coordinates of Conservation Area 109 on it.

Trojan has arrived in Conservation Area 109. She will do her best to delay the Task Force and the Purifying Force from finding the test subject.

Collins scratches his chin dismissively.

Hm... How trustworthy are the coordinates?

As trustworthy as our friendship.

Hahahaha! Well... that's something to look forward to.

If she finds the test subject, she'll bring her to a place I've arranged. I wouldn't count on it myself, however. I'm happy as long as she can delay them for a little while.

And what's next for you? Are you just watching from the sidelines, or are you...

Haha, you've started the fire, so I don't mind adding fuel to it.

I'll get you what you want—after all, Norman Corp still needs someone irreproachable to lead them, doesn't it?

Collins stresses when he says the word "irreproachable."

Don't make it sound like you don't want to benefit from it.

Of course... Only a fool wouldn't exploit such a good opportunity. Not to mention that it's about time someone cleans up Pickman's mess.

You have to be quick, though. I don't know how long Trojan can stall them.

Norman stands and nods, preparing to depart.

Remember to contact me if your people find out anything new later.

Collins waves as he smiles and puts the piece of paper with the coordinates inside the pocket of his favorite suit.

Certainly. I'll tell you about Rebecca's favorite dessert next time. How about that?

Norman smiles in response to Collins' jest.

Hah! It's a deal.

Conservation Area

The morning air clears any feeling of tiredness. You stayed up late discussing your next course of action with Lee last night, and you still feel somewhat drowsy—

Gray Raven Commandant?

The girl with purple hair is knocking on your door with a straight face.

Is that your name...? I should still address you as Commandant, even though I'm not a Babylonia Construct.

She performs another complicated set of gestures to greet you, which looks slightly different from the one she performed yesterday.

The courtesy for mornings and evenings are naturally different, and so are the greetings for meeting the first time and the second.

Noticing your confusion, she explains.

Well then, let's investigate Conservation Area 112 today, just like we discussed last night.

I've planned our route. Do you wish to confirm it?

Receiving your confirmation, Echo picks up a branch from the ground nearby and starts sketching on the floor.

This is the conservation area. We'll take this path...

...W-what is it?

You take the terminal from her and swipe a few times, projecting a simple topographic map before you.

It can even do that... ahem.

She turns away, probably hiding her embarrassment from you.

My planned route goes through here, extending to here...

She traces two paths on the map, and you can tell that she has considered them meticulously, so much so that she even predicted possible enemy locations and areas to avoid.


Echo clears her throat before carefully inquiring.

Will you... bring others with you? The gentleman from yesterday, perhaps?

Despite how much he protested, you convinced Lee late last night not to accompany you but to follow closely to back you up when needed.

If Echo is indeed Kurono's trap, you may plant an element of surprise this way.

...Let's go, then.

The Construct with purple hair steps outside the room without hesitation.