Story Reader / Main Story / 16 Evernight Beat / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

16-5 Hetero-Sapien


Rapid footsteps approach from beyond the door, the retinal scanner outside announcing the name of the visitor. The door opens, and Hilda enters the bridge, standing before Hassen and Nikola.

How did it go? Did we find it?

All the data suggests that the Hetero-Hive Mother is located inside CPF 040 at the center of the Pulia Forest Park Ruins. Or what used to be CPF 040.

What used to be...?

That's right... It's better to see it yourselves.

With that, Hilda sends a report across the desk, and the "Warning" on the cover has Hassen frowning.

The last report with a "Warning" tag was the report related to Luna.

Hassen opens the file, and visuals of the Pulia Forest Park Ruins are projected before him.

The first thing that enters the vision is a large field that connects the horizon.

Beyond the field is a dense forest. Although the existence of such a large area of lush woods is miraculous in its own right, it is not the cause of shock.

Everyone's gaze turns toward the towering tree in the center of the ruins. Natural greenery interweaves with the scarlet Punishing Virus along the tree, its twisted branches dancing and braiding. It has replaced the CPF.

The Control Court immediately sent the video to the Science Council for analysis after seeing this.

Their findings suggest that those things enveloping CPF 040 are made of Hetero-Creatures mimicking the plants in the Forest Park. They have recently invaded there.

Since there was interference inside the forest, the following video was recorded by the Woodcock Commandant Harley Jo offline, uploaded after they escaped the park.

Woodcock slowly approaches CPF 040 after submitting the visuals on it.

Their initial investigation has not run into too many obstacles. But as they go further into the forest, strange things begin to happen.

Teams that enter the forest from different entry points have reported the discoveries of campfires, human footprints, and Scavenger clothing.

That's... Why would Scavengers appear near a CPF that's not reclaimed?

We don't know yet. We've found human activities inside the Forest Park, some of which are fairly new, meaning there was a group of Scavengers who entered the park recently before it was invaded by the Hetero-Hive Mother.

But that's not our key problem.

Following the tracks of human activities, several figures covered in Scavenger capes appear before the squad.

This area is dangerous! Please stay where you are. We're coming to get you out of here!

The Woodcock Commandant shouts at the figures, but they do not respond.

The Constructs next to him take a look at each other, then raise their weapons and cautiously approach the figures.

Only when the Constructs arrive before the figures that they realize the truth—those are not humans that they have discovered, but humanoid monsters.

Rather than being worn, their capes are just loosely hung on the humanoids' withered bodies.

The humanoids slowly turn around, their strangely-shaped feet crushing the bones on the ground, making an eerie, squeaking noise.

The red orbs in their chests are like their hearts, pulsing intensely. The thin bones enveloping them, however, are not strong enough to withstand the strong pulsations.

Pieces of bones shatter from the vibration, falling off their bodies onto the ground, crushed by their feet. New bone structures immediately grow from the orbs, covering them once more, before breaking and regrowing.

Behind all of them hung a smooth, translucent "string," within which lines intricate veins and nerves like an umbilical cord.

These figures attached to the cords are like newborn babies, moving about stiffly with their deafening cries.

No doubt they are Hetero-Creatures. The Science Council are calling them "Hetero-Sapiens" for now.

The arrival of Hetero-Sapiens signals a grave danger. Hetero-Creatures' evolution mimicking Earth's ecosystem has reached the stage of Homo sapiens.

Evidence shows that they are evolving much faster than we imagined.

It took millions of years for apes and humans to evolve into separate species. Comparatively speaking, the Hetero-Creatures have spent less than a blink of an eye.

Our enemies have turned from beasts to humanoids in a flash.

What will they become next?


That is a horrifying but honest question. With how fast they are evolving, no one can predict how the enemies will present themselves next time.

As the three turn silent, the chilling video continues to play.

The Hetero-Sapiens extend their rotten fingers from under the capes and point toward the Constructs before them.

Their mouths open and close cumbersomely, making strange, twisted noises.

Twisted Voice

...This area is dangerous... Please stay where you are... We're coming to get you out of here...

Twisted Voice

...This area is dangerous... Please stay where you are... We're coming to get you out of here...

Despite their distorted tones, the Hetero-Sapiens have easily mastered the language skills that human toddlers would take years to learn.

Scarlet particles emit from beneath their capes. The Constructs' Inver-Devices blare out piercing alarms.

Several of the soldiers cannot withstand the shock of what happened in front of their eyes, as they stumble back and almost drop their weapons.

But their training quickly kicks in, and they immediately retain their composure. Regardless of how strangely the enemy act, it does not change the fact that they are hostile to humanity.


The commandant orders the team to attack, and they immediately open fire. Bullets lodge into the Hetero-Sapiens' bodies, but they remain undeterred, charging into the firing line, unfazed by their shattered bones as if taking a stroll in the storm.

Like a flood, Hetero-Sapiens rush in from every direction of the Forest Park, rushing the Woodcock defensive line. Wounds begin to appear on the soldiers' frames, and the muzzle flashes begin to decrease in numbers.

Confronting the massive number of enemies, Woodcock has no option but to retreat.

The video ends with a frozen frame of the hurried retreat of Woodcock. Hassen closes the report, rubbing his temples with his fingers.

Luckily, it's not too late. Hetero-Sapiens have only appeared around CPF 040.

Intel on them has been synchronized to all ground forces. The Science Council is further analyzing the footage, hoping to understand the Hetero-Sapiens more.

What's important is what we decide next.

We still have to face the Hetero-Hive Mother after defeating the Hetero-Sapiens. To get a sample of the advanced subject, we will pay a hefty price.

Which is why the Control Court believes we can make use of the Longinus Arsenal during this operation.

But doing so also means we will give up on retrieving a sample from the advanced subject. Without the sample, progress on Omega File will fall behind by at least 40%.

That is too long when the situation on the surface can shift at a moment's notice.

That's right. The Longinus Arsenal can only be used in the worst-case scenario.

Omega File is an important turning point of this war. It is worth the risk.

Send out the Task Force. Defeat the Hetero-Hive Mother and retrieve our samples.

As Gray Raven has expected, they will be instrumental in this mission.

Now, we need other participants. Who do you have in mind?

Hassen looks at Nikola, who pauses for a second before speaking a name.


His strength is crucial to this operation.

If Gray Raven, with their specialized frame, is our assault breacher vehicle for the Hetero-Hive Mother, Hans is our best choice to safeguard the vehicle and deliver it before the enemy.

Since comms with Babylonia are jammed in the Forest Park, we can't issue commands to the ground troops there directly. They will require someone with the ability to observe the battlefield and make judgment calls.

Whether to use the Longinus Arsenal to destroy the Hetero-Hive Mother or to order a full-force assault on it to retrieve samples; to save the surviving Scavengers or to extend the hope Gray Raven brings—

Each decision is critical, every choice burdened with immense pressure. Hans is one of the only commanders who can shoulder that on the field.

He's been in more wars than any of us since the Golden Age. His experience makes him the best option to guide this mission on the surface.

But his health has been getting worse. I don't know if he will walk out of the Pulia Forest Park Ruins alive.

You just said that Omega File is worth the risk.


Fine. But I have to talk to him first.

Celica. Send Hans to the bridge.

Hans appears on the bridge, standing straight and tall.

His conversation with Hassen lasts mere minutes, but it feels like ages have passed.

As their conversation comes to an end, everyone in the room falls quiet.

Hans salutes and breaks the silence.

Whatever it takes.

...Even your life?

A soldier's life is humanity's leverage. To be utilized to my fullest is my ultimate wish.

Hans' gaze is resolute, undaunted by Hassen's questions.

Alright, Babylonia's forces are at your disposal. I'll give you some time to come up with a list. You can confirm it with Nikola and Hilda later.

What is Gray Raven doing as the critical team of this operation?

Lee and Liv are helping the Science Council to analyze the Hetero-Sapien footage from Woodcock. Lucia and [player name] are going over their equipment. We have prepared some special weapons to increase the odds of success.

I see.

In that case, I'll need the following three teams from those standing by.

Already? Do you need to think it over?

That's not necessary. Understanding the strength of each soldier is the basic requirement for a commander.

First, Woodcock led by Harley Jo. He was the first on the scene and thus understands the park the most. He's also applied to return to the Forest Park.

And Harley Jo's achievement in communications means he might be able to solve the interference inside the park. Considering his team was hurt, I want to assign Constructs from other squads to him as a temporary team.

The second squad is Egret, led by Vanessa. Her efficiency can buy us valuable time.

Given the lack of data on Hetero-Sapiens, we can also rely on Egret's heavy firepower to take down the enemies.

The third is the team led by Simon...

Simon's capability is not that great. It'll be hard for him in high-octane fights with the Hetero-Sapiens.

His physical prowess is concerning, but the strength of his Mind Beacon is second only to [player name] in his year. Someone like that will be able to share the strain with [player name] when stabilizing the Constructs near the Hetero-Hive Mother.

I see. The mobilization order has been issued to their teams.

...Safe journey.

Yes, sir. It will be.