Story Reader / Main Story / 15 The Last Spark / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

15-7 Graveyard for the Arrogance


This isn't ending any time soon.

The two of you take down another wave of Corrupted, and Vera's frame is overheating from the continuous intense fights.

Vera immediately understands what you mean. She picks you up and carries you over her shoulder, leaping into a building.

The Corrupted pass by the building, unable to detect your signals.

As you have guessed, almost all buildings here are covered with radiation-absorbent material and built with special substances that isolate most usual signals. They are nearly invisible to a machine's "eyes."

Having gone through this immediate danger, Vera relaxes her tense self and sits down, leaning on the wall.

There is a deep cut on her arm, vital fluid slowly dripping out from the wound. She got it earlier protecting you.

She keeps saying she does not care for your safety, and yet you are unharmed, save for being exhausted from the difficult journey—she has kept you protected.

Shut up.

An apology that doesn't help our current situation means it's only to make you feel better.

Do you think I look "okay"?

Now shush and let me cool down.

She leans on the wall, her artificial skin starting to turn red.

Before you say anything, Vera gives you a stare.

If you ask me if I'm feeling alright again, I promise you I'll throw you into the ocean.

You remain silent for a long time.

Having cooled her frame a bit, Vera takes a deep breath and starts treating her wound.

Unlike humans, most of Constructs' wounds are not lethal. But also unlike humans, their wounds do not heal themselves.

No. You'd make it worse.

Ha, you have no idea what I used to do.

Having said that, it does not seem like she is going to elaborate.

Vera quickly stops the "bleeding," and you are surprised to find her technique no less delicate and skilled than Liv's.

She fixes herself in no time.

...Is the true measure of a Chief being relentless or having incredibly thick skin?

She looks at you, and this time she speaks unprompted.

I just think that everything we're doing now is stupid and meaningless.

The Parliament... Kurono... and this mission are all stupid to their core.

All those calculated men are so damn stupid. They will not stop fighting each other even when everything is at stake.

I am stupid too for telling you this.

Vera looks up.

What do you think the point is?

If you understand the Parliament and Kurono enough, you will understand why they are all dancing around you.

Kurono wants to lock you up for conspiring with the enemy. The Parliament wants you to sacrifice everything for the fate of humanity.

They're both trying to rob you and bleed you dry.

One of them is blatant with their intentions, the other one decorates it with righteous causes.

Vera looks up.

Of course I'm angry. Not just at all of these—I'm angry at myself for having to do it anyway.

Has Gray Raven been through so little, or are you just so damn naive?

Everyone knows the Punishing Virus comes from within the zero-point reactor. We're already paying the price, and look where we are.

How ironic to have us investigate a place like this. Don't they know how the world ended? Do they want a sequel already?

She closes her eyes.

The soldiers crying on their death beds, the comrades falling before her eyes... Her memories of the past and their pain flood her mind.

I thought the Parliament would be better than Kurono at the very least. Surprise! They're also morons who tempt fate.

Poking at something so dangerous just to counter the opponent.

I don't "think."" I ""know" it for a fact.

Can you deny that it was what started all of this?

You cannot refute her words.

That is a fact like she has said.

Humans have long died on the road to their ambitions. This city is just a graveyard for their arrogance.