Helping people makes me feel good!
Behind you—
Hmm? Oh, it's not dead yet?
All clear.
Phew, thanks again! You're pretty good!
(Leaving his back open to enemies not dead checked... I can already tell we're not going to be friends.)
Gray Ravens, hello there! I'm Kamui, a Tank-type Construct, member of the Strike Hawks.
And my mission here is to track down one of the Ascendants.
One of? There's more than one?
Yep. According to our info, they even have something called the "Ascension-Network"", and they share strength from it. The core members are the ones we call ""Ascendants".
The one you're after, is there any more information? Is it someone with white long hair in a red outfit?
I don't know, I mean, does it matter?
I think I get your work style now.
Nothing a few punches and slashes won't fix!
Anyway, let's go and pluck this Ascendant out!