Story Reader / Main Story / 01 Graffiti Art / Story

All of the stories in Punishing: Gray Raven, for your reading pleasure. Will contain all the stories that can be found in the archive in-game, together with all affection stories.

1-7 A Soft Heart



Gray Ravens? This is Babylonia. Do you copy? Over.

Miss Celica? What's the situation in Babylonia?

...Babylonia and the corrupted space state just narrowly missed each other. The firefight is over now.

Air-to-ground communication has been mostly restored, but there's still interference from the corrupted space station.

We found the battle log you back. The situation looks... grim. I'm worried about your current situation.

We scavenged some supplies and have recovered. We can continue with the mission. Please don't worry.

...Thank goodness you're alright.

We were tracking a special graffiti-painting Corrupted unit and require the locational help from Babylonia. The Corrupted model version has just been uploaded.

Ok—found it. I've marked the target location and route on your map.

You need to cross a shopping street, but then there's a defensive line crawling with Corrupted. It won't be easy getting past them, but I believe in you.

Roger. Thank you for the intel.

We're back in full, and also have a "backup plan" in case of an emergency.

Then this call can end here. Good luck, and I wish your mission a success.

Return safely. Over and out.




The streets here look quiet, but once we're past these shops, it'll be a high-density Corrupted zone.

Lucia, should we plan and prepare for battle now?


Hm? Sorry. I must have blanked out. Yes, let us prepare here first.


Lucia, is something bothering you?

It's... nothing... It's just that... It's my first time inside a shop...

I see...

In that case, Lucia. Let's have a look around!

Um? Ah... Commandant...?


(Chuckles lightly)

Liv took Lucia's hand, and the two began going through the shelves.

It's been abandoned for nearly a hundred years, but there are still quite a lot of things on the shelves... Though they're not fit to be sold anymore.


Ah, Lucia. You've been staring at these plushies for a while now... Umm, there are only two left...

Liv crouches and picks both of them up.

One of them is a sheep-shaped plushie, while the other one is a weird lipsticked frog.

The two plushies have been abandoned for a long time, both dusty and faded in tones.

One for you, one for me then? Lucia, which one do you want?


Lucia slowly points out her finger and pokes the frog plushie lightly.


This one? Here you go.


Thank you...

Lucia turns silent for a short while after receiving the plushie, staring at it with an unmoving gaze.


Lucia, you've... really taken a liking to this plushie.


Maybe... It's just that, looking at it fills me with a strange feeling.



I never knew you had a side like this, Lucia...


Is that... so...

After a while...


We're almost ready. Let's get going.



Lucia and Liv both tie the plushies to their waists and leave through the backdoor of the shop, returning once more to the hellscape that is the battlefield.