Extra DMG Bonus increases by 2% for 5s when dealing DMG to enemies with Super Armor. Can be stacked up to 3 times. Duration resets every time it is triggered. Stuns an enemy for 2s when breaking its Super Armor. 10s cooldown for the same target. Physical DMG increases by 15% for 7s when releasing Vector Cube. Duration resets every time it is triggered.
Dead Line Timing
Gains 2 extra random Signal Orbs when deployed, and 3 Signal Orbs of the same color every 45s (also gains Signal Orbs on standby).
Polymerization Collapse
Inflicts Smash effect upon dealing Physical DMG. Smash: reduces the target's Physical Resistance by 8% for 8s. Repeated triggering refreshes the duration.
Weapon's final ATK increases by 15% at the start of battle. No duration limit.